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News. May 16th, 2005.

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(Home translation by M.S.)


Yesterday, Lia Caprera from Brindisi, in Italy, arrived in Lisbon, with the Charter and the Patchwork quilt. Everything is ready for the actions in Portugal. Today, we are presenting the Charter publicly. Women who signed it will read it integrally. The Portuguese square for the Quilt will be presented by the stylist Ana Salazar who produced it. We will have a moment of poesy at the end.


Tomorrow, still in Lisbon, the coordination of the WMW will go to the Assembly of the Republic with the Charter and our manifesto to have some conversations with different political groups with parliamentary representation. After that, we will hold a gathering in front of the building of the Assembly of the Republic. Tomorrow, we will also present the petition for a Day of Fight against Homophobia. Students from the University of Coimbra will be in Lisbon to bring the Charter and the Patchwork quilt back to their hometown, where will take place the actions of May 18th. In the Azores - a group of nine islands in the Atlantic Ocean - the actions have yet begun in women’s groups. They also produced a piece to be added to the national Patchwork quilt.

Contributors : Martine Senécal, Agente de liaison MMF - Burkina Faso
Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM
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