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Launch of the Charter - March 8, 2005 - Portugal

“We made a launch of the Charter in the center of the capital, during three hours, in the afternoon. We prepared a file for the press with all the information available on the Charter, the actions of 2005, the World March, the March in Portugal. We held a street action where we revealed the Charter. One of the most important national newspapers put a reference to the Charter in the front page and also mentioned in a way very widened way the March and the Charter. We gave several interviews for national and local radios. We made a good and beautiful launch of the Charter in Portugal. Brazilian television and French television were there, but no Portuguese televisions! The presence of young women in our action was very important for us and inspiring.”


Almerinda Bento, Portuguese coordination

(home translation)


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Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM
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