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Actions in Portugal

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On May 14th, a thematic Forum will be held in the city of Evora (in the South). The Forum is entitled « Alternatives and Resistances » and our coordination will be there during a workshop to present the March and initiatives taken with the Charter in Portugal. We shall receive the Relay of a delegation of Italy on May 15th. In the morning of May 16th, we shall begin our actions with the Charter, but the formal presentation of both this document and our piece of the patchwork quilt will take place in the afternoon during a press conference where we invite women who signed the world Charter to read its 31 assertions. The stylist and the team who created our square for the quilt will also participate in this presentation.


On May 17th, we shall present the Charter accompanied with our demands to the government, to the Parliament and to the President of the Republic. The same day, we shall also present a petition for the Day of Fight against Homophobia.


On May 18th and 19th, the Charter and the quilt will cross cities of the North of the country and on May 20th, the Relay will be passed on by a Portuguese delegation in Galice, around the river Minho, a natural border. This action is meant to be symbolic: we shall cross a bridge which steps over a river, quite as the women who sometimes make bridges and work to achieve the fights they are been leading for a long time.

Contributors : Martine Senécal, Agente de liaison MMF - Burkina Faso
Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM
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