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World March of Women
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Programme of activities

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June 24th to 27th – Workshops of kilos kabaro 2 for the Philippines quilt


July 4th – Arrival of the WMW quilt in the Philippines (kilos kabaro 2)


July 5th or 6th – WMW quilt will be presented in Angeles city for the Philippines-American Day protest activity (kilos kabaro 2 and Philippines working group against militarism)


July 7th   Press conference, gathering of women and sewing of the Philippines square to the WMW quilt (kilos kabaro 2)


July 8 – Turn over WMW quilt to Gabriela for the sewing of another square (Gabriela should consider having their press conference here since we might not be able to reach the cut-off time for sending the WMW quilt to LPDR)


July 9 – WMW quilt gets back to kilos kabaro 2 to be sent to LPDR

Contributors : Martine Senécal, Agente de liaison MMF - Burkina Faso
Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2007-06-18 02:43 PM
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