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Patchwork Quilt - Philippines

Message – genuine and lasting peace, as it is continuously evasive in the Philippines, is a continuing aspiration.  Majority of the total population in the country live in abject poverty and experience gender-based violence in all its forms – physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and economic.  In solidarity with all freedom-loving Filipinos and friends who are fighting for equality and justice, Kilos Kabaro2! shares this message to all the women and men around the world.

Symbols – a portion of the KK2! logo was altered a bit to make a part of the letter K look like a bird, the dove of peace.  At the upper left and right sides of the KK2! logo, the name of Kilos Kabaro 2 is embroidered in the original Philippine alphabet called Alibata.

Choice of colors – violet and fuschia are the prominent colors to depict the women’s struggle against all forms of oppression, exploitation and discrimination.  The name of the country in Filipino represents the four colors of the Philippine flag.

Choice of fabric/textile – represents the three major Philippine islands namely Luzon, Visayas & Mindanao from which these pieces of cloth originate.

Last modified 2006-02-13 01:57 PM
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