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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Philippines

Kilos Kabaro 2 (national coordinating body for the WMW) will be holding its closing ceremonies of the Global Relay by being in actual solidarity with some 300 peasant, indigenous and fisherfolk women who will be gathered in the capital region as part of International World Food Day celebrations. Composed mostly of urban poor women and NGOs based in the capital region, KK2 will exchange experiences and agenda with the Rural Women’s Congress who readily agreed to move their celebration of International Rural Women’s Day from Oct  15 to 17 so as to coincide with the Solidarity Hour.  Copies of the Charter in the vernacular will be distributed and its main points discussed. A long white cloth containing all five values of the Charter will be put up for signing by those coming from or working with peasant, indigenous and fisherfolk women.

Philippines-5 Values of Womens Charter Philippines-5 Values of Womens Charter Philippines-5 Values of Womens Charter
Philippines solidarity hour photos
Last modified 2005-09-30 04:44 PM
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