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Report on NAWO Actions / July 24-27 2005

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Dates : July 24 to 27, 2005



"To walk over the Wagah Border was like a dream come true", said one member of the National Delegation to Pakistan as part of the World Relay of the "Women's Global Charter for Humanity" and the "Solidarity Quilt". On July 23, 2005 a Flagging-Off Ceremony was organized at the India International Centre. Ms.Girija Vyas, Chairperson of the National Commission of Women (NCW) was the Chief Guest and Mrs.Mohini Giri, Former Chairperson of the NCW were the main Speakers. Ms.Girija Vyas expressed her joy at the NAWO Delegation carrying Goodwill and Peace to the Sisters of Pakistan. Ms.Mohini Giri emphasized that Solidarity expressed at this level is far more important and effective in establishing Peace between Nations and Peoples. Ms.Ruth Manorama, President – NAWO welcomed and encouraged the members of the Delegation in their mission for Peace and Solidarity. Flags of the two countries were held up by our Chief Guest.

         Shashi Sail presented the highlights of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity before presenting it to the Chief Guests. She shared that the decision to write the Charter was taken at the IVth International Meeting of the World March of Women held in Delhi in March 2003. The Charter was then unanimously adopted (except for reservations from one country) at the Vth International Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda on December 10, 2004. The Charter is based on five values – Equality, Freedom, Justice, Solidarity & Peace and has 31 affirmations. In the Charter, we propose to build Another World where exploitation, oppression, intolerance and exclusion no longer exist and the rights & freedoms of all are respected. She further emphasized that the Charter is different from other similar International instruments, because it raises questions about the roots of exploitation and oppression, and denounces Capitalism and Patriarchy. The Charter offers a radical critique of the causes of oppression, exploitation, violence and destruction. She further shared that the Charter does not describe how to build this new world because we believe that it is already in the process of reconstruction with every struggle to change this world in many corners of the planet. 

Representatives from various organizations present at the Flagging-Off Ceremony conveyed their best wishes to the Delegation and also wrote their messages of Peace and Unity for the Sisters in Pakistan on special World March cards prepared by us. Ms.Veena Nayyar, Former Member of SC/ST Commission flagged-off the Delegation after an informal tea and refreshments.

         The presence of 3 International delegates – Dr.Roya, Founder Member of Turkestan Peace Foundation, Turkestan, Ms.Farah from Iran and another delegate from Iraq was very important, as they had traveled to India to express solidarity to the Delegation and to stitch their Patchwork on to the Solidarity Quilt of the World March. 

We walked over the Border and into the Warm Welcome of our Sisters in Pakistan, who had gathered at the border. The slogans raised, the rose petals showered, the garlands exchanged along with the colourful banners and flags of both countries created a special moment in the history of the Women's Movement of both the countries. While crossing the Border, one member of the Delegation remarked, "You take one step forward and you are in Pakistan, and a step backward and you are in India".

The Programmes organized by the World March Co-ordination Committee both in Lahore and Karachi brought together many people's organizations, trade unions, women's organizations working among labour, bonded labour, children, working on women's issues, in the anti-globalization movement, and in the movement for human rights and civil liberties.

On the first evening in Lahore, Prof. Syed Mohammed Nisar Safdar, a High Court Advocate hosted a Dinner where he had invited Writers, men and women Poets, Activists working for Communal Harmony and Peace. There was a sharing on the need for peace between Nations and the role of People in establishing peace ties. Dr.Ms.Shagufta, a poetess recited her poem on Communal Harmony.

The Delegates were welcomed on the second day specially by Adv.Abdul Waheed Butt at a breakfast meeting before a Seminar on Violence Against Women. At this Seminar, different activists shared about the different forms of violence in the lives of women and children at different levels. A short play by one of the women's organizations expressed very subtly the violence faced by a young girl for dowry after marriage. Ms.Jarjum Ete from Arunachal Pradesh, India also sang a song on Communal Harmony and Ms.Koely Roy introduced the members of the delegation and presented a specific violence suffered by women in India known as Witch-Hunting.

On the second day, that is 26th July itself we left for Karachi after lunch. The 18-Hour train journey from Lahore to Karachi was a memorable experience for all of us. We enjoyed the hospitality of our Hosts and also Pakistan Railways. Mid-way to Karachi, when the train stopped at Hyderabad in Larkana district in Sindh, we were welcomed by the President of India-Pakistan Peace Movement, who also brought us home cooked breakfast. The train stopped only for 15-minutes, but it was enough time for us to share our solidarity and greetings with each other. They honoured and presented an "Ajarak" (a cotton Shawl) to each member of the delegation.

On reaching Karachi, we were over-whelmed by the response of the Press and Media who waited almost 4-hours at the Railway Station, as our train was late. The Press was eager to know the Mission of our delegation and had a lot of questions to ask us about the situation of the women in India. The Welcome Garlands by the Host organizations at Karachi Station matched their eagerness to bond with us for a better world and a better tomorrow.

The first programme in Karachi was at Rafia Memorial Hall, a Seminar on Resistance  Movements  in  Pakistan  and  in  India,  attended  by  more than  500 people. At this Seminar, we were introduced to the different resistance movements to Globalization by the industrial workers, by women, unemployed youth. Ms.Vasanth Kannabiran, member of the Indian Delegation shared about the Indian women's movements, their struggles to change the situation. Ms.Sudha Varghese, another member of the delegation spoke about the situation of tribal women, specially in her state.

We were hosted for dinner followed by a Seminar on "Role of Women in Democracy", hosted by Strengthening Participatory Organizations (SPO). Many social activists, government officials, lawyers addressed this Seminar and shared their views on the need of democracy and the role of women in democracy. Shashi Sail speaking on the role of democracy emphasized that women can be the conscience keepers within democracy and for the over-all development of the people and specially women, democracy is very essential. It was a long evening but the sharing of views energized us. We were hosted at the Guest House of Pakistan Institute of Labour – Education and Research (PILER), welcomed there by Mr.Karamat, its Director and Mr.Kutty, Assistant Director.

Next morning, we went to meet the women Lawyers of Pakistan Women Lawyers Association (PAWLA), an Association for assisting in problems related to marriage, registration of marriage, custody of children, divorce, maintenance etc. Their President, Adv.Ms.Rashida Patel introduced the activities of PAWLA after which 3 women who had come to their office for consultation shared their case studies. We exchanged our literature with each other. There was a brief discussion on the pending Women's Reservation Bill and the Domestic Violence Bill in India.

There was a special lunch session with the women's wing of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) whose National Leader is Ms.Benazir Bhutto, which concluded that "the signatures of one man on a Peace Declaration is not going to bring about peace among nations, it is the people who will define peace and ensure peace among people and between nations."

On the same evening, there was a "Meet the Press" for half-an-hour, when the Press and Media interviewed the members of the Indian Delegation on various issues relating to Violence Against Women and Poverty. This was followed by a Seminar on Violence and Poverty. Shashi Sail tracing the Violence and Poverty at the Global level very emphatically said that speaking on behalf of the Women of the World, as part of the World March of Women, "We do not give permission to Leaders like President George Bush and others to invade our countries and violate our liberties and rights; usurp our resources for their greed and profit." She further emphasized that "We, who vote governments to power should not give the leaders the right to negotiate on our behalf with any of the International Financial Institutions like the World Bank, IMF, ADB, WTO etc. for any loan for development, as these loans impoverish the people and specially women causing much violence in their lives."

At the conclusion of the programme, there was a massive rally on the streets of Karachi followed by a dinner hosted by Takhleeq Foundation.

The programmes organized by the World March Co-ordination Committee in Pakistan under the leadership of Ms.A.Saleha Athar of Network for Women's Rights (NWR), both in Lahore and Karachi brought together many people's organizations, trade unions, women's organizations. The visit though very short (4-days only) was so well organized that we were able to get a comprehensive picture of the situation of women in Pakistan, their struggles for dignity and justice and to be introduced to the hopes and aspirations of the people, specially women for peace and for a better tomorrow. The well-known hospitality of the people in Pakistan touched us very much.

The visit concluded on a note of hope and solidarity and a special bonding among the women of India and Pakistan. We expressed our thanks and gratitude to the Lahore Organizing Committee and the Karachi Organizing Committee for this meaningful and participatory programme for the NAWO – National Delegation. The involvement of many people's organizations and women's organizations contributed to the content and character of the programme. Much as we would like to thank each one by name, it is not possible at this point, but we cannot conclude our report without naming Leaders like Ms.A.Saleha Athar, Ms.Deep, Ms.Farah and many more who contributed in more ways than one to make this visit a memorable one. The need to organize more such exchanges among women, specially the young women of both countries was felt by the organizers of Pakistan and India. We made a commitment to make possible a return visit of a Delegation of young women from Pakistan to India. 

Date: July 2005

Place: Mahasamund: India

Mrs.Shashi Sail

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Last modified 2007-06-18 02:43 PM