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Report of World March of Women (WMW) Activities in India: 2010 – 2011

The World March of Women in India focuses mostly on violence against women & also is involved in organizing the Domestic Workers for their rights of minimum wages, weekly off etc. We are also demanding a National Legislation for Domestic Workers. Observation of special days like Labour Day, Domestic Worker’s Day, International Women’s Day and Anti-Violence Day etc. are  a part of the activities.

The National Coordination Committee (NCC) for WMW has 8 members representing different Women’s Organizations from 8 states. NAWO continues to be the focal point for the World March in India.

The World March of Women chose to organize a “Campaign against Sex Trafficking” during the Common Wealth Games – 2010 in September in Delhi. As extensive preparations like renovating and starting new brothels, new impetus to sex trafficking from neighboring Countries, publicizing etc. were being made for prostitution during the CWG games.

NAWO & WMW jointly campaigned to raise the issues of sex trafficking during the CWG games. We posted an online petition addressed to the President of India, Prime Minister & the Chief Minister of Delhi. We also wrote an open letter to these leaders at least 3 weeks before the games, calling upon the leaders to use their office to stop the trafficking of girls at such a large scale. The open letters to the leaders was also circulated via the media, sent to all the women & civil liberty organizations for mobilizing support for the campaign.

A special poster was designed highlighting the issues and circulated. We made a special appeal also to the Women Parliamentarians to raise their voice in protest.

We wanted to mobilize a Public Demonstration on the inaugural day of the CWG, but it was not possible for the simple reason that there was no democratic space available in the entire city of Delhi, Leave alone at the venue of Games.

The Media reports during & after the CWG games did reported that public outcry against sex trafficking did impact the situation negatively. It was reported that the profits or income from the flesh trade was definitely for below the expectation. We like to believe that this may be the fallout of our campaign.

Organizing Domestic Workers:
Ever since the International Labour Organization  (ILO) has announced “Decent Work for All” in 2010 specially focusing on Domestic Workers. Much attention is being given to this unorganized sector of workers. The ILO has asked all its member states to have a special legislation for Domestic Workers. The Government of India has refused legislation but has consented to have a policy guideline for domestic workers.

We as WMW are mobilizing the workers to build up pressure for a National Legislation. More than 20 women organization from different states are jointly in this campaign.

Observing International Women’s Day in (March 8 , 2010 & 2011) was a special effort to bring together the organizations. It was observed by celebrating our mothers & fore mothers, who have efforts laid the foundations of the women’s movement for liberation.

Dated: November 2011
Place: Mahasamund, India                                    
Shashi Sail

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Last modified 2012-02-15 07:13 PM