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World Relay - Australia

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Our key activity was in Canberra (the nation's capital) on Monday, June 27th where an all-day Women’s Expo was held in the Exhibition Room of our Legislative Assembly building. Ms Katy Gallagher, the Minister for Women accepted the Charter on behalf of the women of Australia and other parliamentary dignitaries was present. The Expo featured music, banners, brochures and display materials from across women’s and community services – we have asked that they reflect the five values underpinning the Charter. We were arranging to have some photos taken in Washington and New York at the WMW 2000 enlarged as part of the display as we wanted to share the spirit of the women who gathered there.


On Tuesday evening, June 28th, a representative flew out of Sydney to deliver the Charter to the dear women in Japan. She will join them for a solidarity meeting in Tokyo.

Situation of women in Australia and actions
Last modified 2005-08-08 11:06 AM
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