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Situation of women in Australia and actions

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Whilst Australia is considered a prosperous nation, poverty, violence and unequal access to housing, education and health care is a plight for many women. Domestic violence continues to be a pressing and largely unsolved issue in Indigenous communities.


  • There are active campaigns to educate men and boys and hopefully to eliminate domestic violence;
  • Women’s access to affordable health care is a primary focus - particularly for indigenous women and those living in rural and remote communities;
  • Widespread women’s health promotion services including AIDS awareness, free Pap smear tests, free mammograms, and osteoporosis and asthma awareness;
  • Improved health information and services to non-English speaking immigrants;
  • Since the mid 1970s Australian girls have been more likely than boys to complete secondary school and their completion rate has continued to rise. (In 2003 the apparent retention rate in Year 12 for girls was 81 per cent);
  • The Beijing Platform of Action has been used to monitor Government funding and projects for women and girls;
  • A web site - has been established to promote the understanding of the United Nations Security Council of Resolution 1325 - Women, Peace and Security;
  • Australian Government legislation that makes the trafficking of human beings a crime and support services for women and girls who have been trafficked and are helping with investigations or prosecutions;
  • Measures have been introduced in Australia that require mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse. There is an increased awareness of child protection issues.


Contributors : Jacinthe Gouin, Chargée de la Communication et du Plaidoyer, MMF/Burkina, Martine Senécal, Liaison officer WMW - Burkina Faso
Last modified 2005-08-03 02:37 PM
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