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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Brazil

In 14 states of Brazil, the women of the March will be in the streets between 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to hold activities and actions around the central issue of a minimum wage increase. In Maranhão, a song will be presented that tells of the arrival of the Charter in Africa and a seminar will be held on freedom, with emphasis on the right to abortion. In Paraiba, a broadcast of a cultural activity is planned along with a petition in support of housewives. The minimum wage and violence against women are subjects that will also be addressed. In Pará, during a march and a public rally, a Batucada (percussion group) will start to play at noon and lilac-coloured balloons will be released. Rio Grande do Norte will be the scene of workshops, a crafts fair, the making of a banner of feminist solidarity in a public square, which will be broadcast. Other actions are planned in public squares in Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul. 

For more information, click on the arrows (>>) below

Jornal MMM Outubro 2005
Panfleto 17 de outubro
Relato do dia 17 em Campo Grande, MS
Minas Gerais, mulheres panfletam na capital.
Ato da Marcha mundial das mulheres em Aracaju - SE
Aracaju, SE Aracaju, SE Aracaju, SE
Fotos do ato em Aracaju, SE.
Alagoas, mulheres marcham com muita batucada e música
Foto do ato em Alagoas Foto do ato em Alagoas Foto do ato em Alagoas
Foto do ato em Alagoas
Foto do ato em Alagoas - 02 Foto do ato em Alagoas - 02 Foto do ato em Alagoas - 02
Foto do ato em Alagoas
RIO / Mulheres em movimiento mudam o mundo
Fotos Rio de Janeiro
Ação em Belém - BRASIL
Last modified 2005-09-30 11:10 AM
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