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National News Flashes - Brazil

Urgent! The WMW in Brazil request your solidarity to Apodi

The World March of Women in Brazil calls for the solidarity of our friends and allies around the world in their fight to revoke Decree No. 0-001 of 10 June 2011. This decree will expropriate more than 13,000 hectares of land in the region of Apodi (Rio Grande do Norte), in Northeastern Brazil, expelling more than 150 families, corresponding to about 500 people.


Most of these families and groups are made up of militants from the World March of Women and other social movements in Brazil who will be driven from their homes, their land and their history of traditional small-scale agriculture, based on the principles of agro-ecology and food sovereignty, which these female and male workers have been developing for more than 60 years now.


The aim of this expropriation project, coordinated by the National Department for Drought Control (DNOCS), a department of the Brazilian government, would benefit five (5) hydro- and agri-business groups, diverting the waters of the Santa Cruz do Apodi Dam for irrigation. The perverse effects of the actions of these same businesses in nearby regions are well known: the contamination of ground water and the air by toxins used on their industrial farms and the exploitation of women's work.


We urgently request your solidarity, which you can show by sending emails directly to the General Secretariat of the Presidency – no later than November 27, 2011petitioning for the rejection of this project. We have provided a message template for you to use below, which we ask to you to copy and then send a version signed by your organization – and any other movements you work with or your WMW National Coordinating Body – to, with a copy to


We will continue to march until we are all free!


World March of Women - Brazil


To the President of the Brazilian Republic:


We, the undersigned, support our friends in Apodi (Rio Grande do Norte) and demand the revocation of Decree No. 0-001 of 10 June 2011, which only serves the interests of agribusiness and hydro-business, while destroying rural communities and the eight agreements on Agrarian Reform in the municipality, and thus represents a step backward in the country’s agrarian policy.


(Name(s) of signatory Organization(s))


Email this message, signed by your movement or organization, to, with a copy to

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Last modified 2012-02-09 04:29 PM
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