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Declaration of values

Adopted on March 22, 2003, during the 4th International Meeting of the World March of Women New Delhi, India.
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The 21st century began with two major global events: the World March of Women and the World Social Forum. These two actions quickly extended beyond the actual events, becoming part of and strengthening the struggle to fundamentally transform our societies. This struggle incorporates resistance to neoliberal globalization (the new face of imperialism), war, racism, poverty and all forms of discrimination, occupation and militarization. Patriarchal neoliberal globalization accentuates gender inequality and the gap between rich and poor, between countries, territories and peoples, and generates ever increasing exclusion, hatred, racism and intolerance.

In its struggle for the elimination of poverty and violence against women, the World March of Women illustrates the resolve of citizens of the world to build a peaceful world, free of exploitation and oppression, a world in which people enjoy full human rights, social justice, democracy and gender equality; in which women’s work, both productive and reproductive, and their contribution to society are properly recognized; in which cultural diversity and pluralism are respected; and a world in which the environment is protected. We consider it is urgent to assert and defend our sexual and reproductive rights, including the right to informed choice, in particular by free access to health care and free and safe measures of contraception and abortion. In short, we believe that together we can and must build another world.

We believe that as feminists we urgently need to propose the economic, political, social and cultural alternatives that will make this “other world” possible. We believe it is necessary to debate our visions of this “other world” among ourselves as women and with allied organizations, locally, nationally, regionally and internationally. To advance women’s liberation we believe it is important to ally with other social movements and strengthen our cooperation through common action. We reiterate the need for an autonomous, transparent, democratic and creative international women’s movement. We recognize and respect the diversity of this movement. We value women’s leadership, especially that of those among us who in addition to being oppressed as women suffer other forms of oppression; we see this as a necessary strategy for attaining veritable social transformation.

The World March of Women believes in the globalization of solidarity. We are diverse women and we work together to “build another world”; numbering among us are the millions of women who wage a daily struggle to ensure their survival and that of their communities, rural and urban; victims of caste systems and minority community women; Indigenous women who face an age-old oppression and economic, political and social discrimination; survivors of all types of violence such as rape, incest, sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation, violence justified by culture and traditions, sex-trafficking, domestic violence and hatred, who are struggling to put an end to the impunity of attackers; lesbians deprived of fundamental human rights who are struggling against persecution; women living in situations of armed conflict; survivors of genocide; women resisting racism and fundamentalism; refugee women forced to leave their countries to seek safe haven; migrant women in search of work and opportunities; the girl-child, young women and elderly women who are also victims of violence and discrimination and who struggle to live with respect, recognition and dignity; women suffering discrimination based on disability; workers and trade unionists, in the formal and informal sector, addressing issues like the double workday, proper wage conditions and pay equity; women living under military occupation; women victims of embargoes; women struggling against cultural and linguistic assimilation; and women working in adverse conditions to build peace and democracy and demanding to be included in peace negotiations and conflict prevention processes and dialogue.

The World March of Women invites women to commit to advancing these struggles— according to their priorities and particular situations—in their communities, countries and regions and at the international level, in order to break the silence and accelerate the long march toward self-determination, peace, economic and social justice, democracy and equality.

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-03-24 11:06 AM
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