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You are here: Home » Publications » Women on the March, 2002 » april 2002 - Contents
<<< 2000 - Sexism and Globalization, 2000 Good Reasons to March 2003 World Social Forum A Change of Course, The Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) through the Lens of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity, August 2005 A Score for Women’s Voices Advocacy Guide to Women's World Demands, 2000 Appeal of the World March of Women for the Construction of a Just, Equal, Cooperative, Democratic and Peaceful World Changing the World Step by Step, 2000 ECONOMICS IN QUESTION: A WOMEN’S PERSPECTIVE G8 AND WOMEN: WORLDS APART Information about demand V-6 concerning sex trafficking of women and girls Information Document on Lesbian Rights (1999) Letter to Kofi Annan, UN General Secretary, October 17, 2000 Letter to the IMF and the World Bank, October 16, 2000 Supporting Document 1 to the Charter Supporting Document 2 to the Charter The World March of Women 1998-2008: A Decade of International Feminist Struggle The World March of Women 2010 - Third International Action WMW at the Global Forum on Financing the Right to Sustainable and Equitable Development Women on the March, 2002 April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women April 2002 - Actions to Revolutionize the World April 2002 - Actions to Revolutionize the World >>>
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