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April 2002 - Actions to Revolutionize the World

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Actions to Revolutionize the World

By way of introduction
Marching On for Bread and Roses
Actions to Revolutionize the World
How We Said It: Building Solidarity
Snapshots from Home and Elsewhere
2001: A March-to Be Continued?


Women's Marching Feet Echo around the World

Middle East - Arab World

Above: The magazine Pyramides writes about March issues.

Egyptian women had professional actors stage a drama to illustrate the content of the letters sent to the IMF and the World Bank. The event, held at the Cairo Opera on October 6, 2000, also paid tribute to the Palestinian people's suffering and presented images of the Intifada. The Egyptian version of the World March of Women's song was sung.

The Iranian resistance and Iranian associations abroad marched in Brussels, Belgium, and in the United States in October, on behalf of the women of their country. The movement's delegate stressed that violence was encouraged by the law: "Stoning, beating, blinding and hanging women, along with other medieval cruel punishments, are official, routine government practices."

Above: A woman brandishes a placard on October 15, 2000 in Washington.

Above: On September 24, 2000, peace was once again an urgent demand.

On September 24, 2000, Beirut hosted an important demonstration. Recognition of civil marriage in Lebanon was a major demand, despite the opposition of religious fundamentalists to any change in this matter. Women reiterated their support for the Palestinian people and denounced the "excessive violence" throughout the region that threatened peace.

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Women on the March
April 2002

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Last modified 2006-03-23 03:09 PM
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