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II Americas Regional Meeting

More than 60 women, coming from 17 countries from the South to the North of Americas, will take part of the second regional meeting of the World March of Women in Americas, to be held from 10th to 12th of August, in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The fundamental challenge of the meeting is to construct a regional work plan and plan the Americas’ actions and mobilisations in the framework of WMW 2010 International Action, to take place from 8th of March to 17th October 2010.

Besides debating the regional politico-socio-economic situation of the continent, marked specially by the issues of regional integration as an answer to the crisis, as well as the rising offensive of the right and the militarization and the coup d’État in Honduras, participants will deep the discussion around the four fields of action for 2010:
-    Women’s economic autonomy
-    Common good and access to public services
-    Peace and demilitarization
-    Violence against women

The texts with the demands and commitments for action of the movement around the world, defined during the WMW VII International Meeting (in 2008), are available in the links below, in Castellano, English and Français:

Castellano -
English -
Français -

On 12th of August, the meeting will close with a demonstration around the streets of Cochabamba under the slogan “We are all Honduras”. Women will reaffirm their alternatives, will protest against the coup d’État and will demand the return of the president elected by the people, Manuel Zelaya, and all the process of people’s participation and discussion of the Constitution Assembly, as well as the continuation of all advances that were being carried out in Honduras before the coup d’état. The demonstration starts at 3 pm in Plaza 14 de Septiembre, in front of Centro de los Fabriles.

Follow the special coverage of the meeting in the website of Minga/Mutirão of Social Movements:

Information for the press
WMW International Secretariat (in Brazil): +55 11 3032-3243
In Bolivia: +59 1 7692-7857 o 7408-7402

Last modified 2009-08-09 11:29 PM
This item is available in
English, Español, Français