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Website of the WMW Third International Action is already available!

The website of the World March of Women Third International Action is already online at (English), (in Spanish) or (in French). In this space you will find details about the actions in the countries, the regions (Asia, Europa, Americas) and also about the closing mobilization in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The site contains information about how to participate in the actions as well as all the mobilization materials available in various languages (stickers, leaflets, posters, books, and others) and texts around the four fields of action.

Contribute to the website by sending news, photos, audiovisuals, schedules of mobilization events and other information to disseminate the action.  

It is also possible to collaborate with the website by helping to translate the contents into the various languages of the site. For this, please contact the International Secretariat.

Last modified 2010-03-04 12:04 PM
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