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News from Mexico and Uruguay

Mexico: caravan in the struggle against violence against women

Women from every state in Mexico will gather together on November 29th in a march and a politico-cultural act to demand that the responsible authorities guarantee life, freedom and justice for women. The demonstration leaves from the Angel of Independence at 9 am in the direction of the Zocalo.

Click to read the full invitation.

The WMW repudiates the Uruguayan president's veto of the Defence of Sexual and Reproductive Health law

President Tabaré Vázquez has vetoed the law, which allows for the de-penalisation of abortion among other rights. The law had already been approved by the Legislative powers in Uruguay and, according to surveys, had support of over 60% of the population.

Read the WMW declaration of repudiation.

Last modified 2008-11-17 08:48 PM
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