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Story of Capiré and lyrics

Capiré is the March of Women's theme song.
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The March of Women theme song

In the spring of 2000, we invited women from the participating groups to write their own verses using the World March musical theme. We received over 40 songs from 23 countries. Some groups even sent us a recording of their song. It was so inspiring to hear the different rhythms and sounds!

Karen Young, one of the composers of the musical theme, used the verses written by the women of the world to put together the international song for the March. The song is in 20 languages. At least one phrase from each country that answered the invitation was included.

Karen Young, Janet Lumb and a chorus will sing the international song on stage in New York on October 17, 2000.

Harmony vocals are in italics

Capiré, a song in 24 languages

Intro 1

Capiré mosamam capiré [in Italian and Persian: Understanding, determination, understanding]
El ham mosamam el ham [in Arabic and Persian: Inspiration, determination, inspiration]
Roshni, inspirati [in Punjabi and Flemish: Inspiration]
Maraya, Sumagan esin, esin lehavine [in Malay and Hindi: Celebration]
Memahami, Kutlamak [in Malay and Turkish: Understanding, celebration]

Verse 1

Somos mujeres en acción, tenemos mucho por lograr [Spanish/Mexico: We are women of action, we have a lot to gain]
Femme, lève-toi et marche [French/Cameroon: Women, let's get up and march]
You know you hold tomorrows' world [English/Zambia]

Takinis mayatch asipix anyani warmin akhamax arsuñan [Aymara/Bolivia: All together, united, come women, raise your voices]
Se se sang, y taona né [Korean/Korea: A new world is coming]
Por una vida más digna y feliz [Spanish/Mexico: For a life of dignity and happiness]

Chorus 1

Londo mo, tambela [Sango/Central African Republic: Let's get up and stand up]
True recognition that feeds our motivation [English/Britain]
Kwandoa umaskini [Swahili /Tanzania: For elimination of poverty]
Queremos participar y decidir deste cambio [Espagnol/Bolivia: We want to participate in and decide about these changes]

Cantamos, por el futuro [Spanish/Mexico: Let's sing for the future]
Eladl salaam mousaawet karama [Arabic/Morocco: For justice, peace, equality and dignity]
khudha, trishna teke mucti, [Bangali /Bangladesh: Free from hunger and thirst]
Jékané thukbé na kono rôgue ba hotasha [Bangali /Bangladesh: Where there will be no sickness and despair]

Capiré mosamam capiré, el ham mosamam el ham…

Verse 2

Avec ou sans papier nous parlerons [French/Burkina Faso: With or without papers we will speak out]
Avec ou sans chaussures nous marcherons [French/Burkina Faso: With or without shoes we will march]
Pou tout fanm qi viktim vyolans jwenn jistis [Creole/Haiti: So that all women victims of violence receive justice]
I se toï song, Chi mo catchini [Korean/Korea: No more silence]
Kowwa yasani [Djerma/Niger: So that everybody is aware]

Victime d'injustice et de violence [French/Quebec: Victims of injustice and violence]
Il est grand temps que tout cela change [French/Quebec: It's time for a change!]
C'est fini l'impuissance et la désespérance [French/ Switzerland: Enough of helplessness and despair]

Capire mosamam capire, el ham mosamam el ham…

Chorus 2

Haguruke kwisi yose gutenyerera ku mabi bihave [Kirundi/Burundi Let's get up so that the law of silence is broken all around the world]
Kélé oba kela ka kélé bo gain kalafia la don, mousso koundala [Bambara/Mali: Let's struggle now, stop war and bring peace to women]
Tulka vmestia staniem bivstra'ha ina silia [Russian/Russia: Only together we'll stand against fear and violence]
Avançons ensemble dans la paix [French/Quebec: Let's move forward together in peace]
Haguru ke mweze turwanire amahoro. Amahoro [Kirundi/Burundi: Let's all stand up, let's struggle for peace, for peace!!]

Capiré mosamam capiré, el ham mosamam el ham…

Yo moseka mama toyokaka yekola kotanga, kokoma [Lingala/Democratic Republic of the Congo: Listen! We are active women. Let's learn to read and write]
Mpo ozuwa esika na mokili ah… [Lingala/Democratic Republic of the Congo: To have our place in this world]
Capire mosamam capire, el ham mosamam el ham

Verse 3

Ja gore bishshèr mohila [Bangali/Bangladesh: Arise women of the world]
Pour la conquête de tous nos droits [French/Congo Brazzaville: For we shall win our rights]
We can achieve it together [English/ Zambia]
Vamos cantar, vamos dançar [Portuguese/Brazil: Let's sing, let's dance]

Nuestra lucha es sin fronteras [Spanish /Bolivia: Our struggle is without borders]
So take your sister by the hand [English/Zambia]
Transformar a vida, construir a igualdade [Portuguese /Portugal: Transform life, build equality]
Nosso canto vai tocanco coraçoes [Portuguese / Brazil: Our song will move hearts]

Chorus 3

Nous marchons, main dans la main [French/Quebec and Democratic Republic of the Congo: We walk hand in hand]
Per amune ma hande naguena [Sinhala/Sri Lanka: Raising our voices in unity]
Tumuogele, wanawake [Swahili/Tanzania: Celebrate, women]
Seja branca ou negra [Portuguese/Brazil: Whether you are white or black]
Soyurio api [Sinhala/Sri Lanka: We are sisters]
Proclamemos nuestros derechos [Spanish/Mexico: Let us proclaim our rights]
Digu karanmu apé ath siv diga siv kona [Sinhala/Sri Lanka: Let us extend our hands to the four corners of the world]
Together, unite and be free [English/Britain]
Share education and strength to find the power, the power to change! [English, Britain]

Nous marchons, 2000 bonnes raisons de marcher
We ask this, 2000 good reasons
Pedimos, buenas razones de marchar

We ask this….2000 good reasons….

1. We share the earth, lets share its wealth (Arabic/Morocco)
2. Walk for change (Hindi/India)
3. Access to land, property, citizenship and literacy (Brazil, Colombia, Nicaragua)
4. For hope, equality, peace and democracy (Japanese/Japan)
5. To fight corruption, impunity and violence against women (Haiti-Creole)
6. Be mindful of our mother land (Innu/Montagnais)
7. Protect migrant workers and stop sexual trafficking (Philippines, Hong Kong)
8. Include women in the peace process (French/Great Lakes region)
9. Equality within the family and domestic violence is a crime (Portuguese/Mozambique)
10. Conservation of age-old cultures and no more extraction of natural resources (Spanish/Panama)
11. Fair trade, Nuclear-free Pacific (English/Australia)

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-04-07 10:47 AM
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