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NOS CHAMPS D'ACTION: Bien commun et accès aux ressources, Paix et démilitarisation, Travail des femmes et Violence envers les femmes

La Marche mondiale a pour objectifs d'éliminer la pauvreté et la violence envers les femmes. Outre ces deux thèmes de travail, elle travaille plus spécifiquement sur les thèmes de paix et démilitarisation, trafic sexuel, les droits des lesbiennes, alternatives économiques féministes, alliances et mondialisations et communications.
Bien commun et accès aux ressources
Paix et la démilitarisation
A Collective "Peace and demilitarisation" plays an efficient role in the March. Its mandate is to develop a WMW policy in this area; ensure the participation of the WMW in actions to oppose militarism and armed conflicts, etc.; and produce materials on these issues. Coordination: the regional coordinating body of the African Great Lakes Region (Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo).
GT/WG economie/economy/economia GT/WG economie/economy/economia Travail des femmes
There is one Working group on feminist economic alternatives which mandate is, among other things, to further feminist analysis about economic alternatives, maintain dialogue with closely allied networks, update the World March’s demands platform and draw up action proposals. Coordination : the World March in Peru.
Violence envers les femmes
One Working Group has the mandate to fight against Violence against Women and sexual trafficking. The priority of this working group is sex trafficking. Its mandate is to further advance the discussion to support our action strategies linking the local and international levels, especially those that target violence prevention and support for women to leave violent situations; study the relationship between neoliberal globalization and violence against women. Coordination : World March in the Philippines.
Lutte contre la pauvreté
Des autres thèmes
Last modified 2008-02-28 11:59 AM
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