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World March of Women
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Déclaration des femmes pour la Souveraineté Alimentaire
text written by Caridad Ynares of the International Comitee of the World March of Women in the context of the Solidarity Village for a Cool Planet in December 2008.
Declaración del Encuentro de Mujeres
Declaración del Encuentro de Mujeres sobre la "Conferencia Especial para la Soberania Alimentaria por los derechos y por la vida"
Various articles
Le séminaire "La Construction d’Alliances concernant la Souveraineté alimentaire et la Violence faite aux femmes" - Lettre ouverte à nos mouvements
The Seminar "Building Alliances on Food Sovereignty and Against Violence Towards Women" took place in Maputo, Mozambique, from 26th to 29th July 2010. Read the document about the seminar written by Via Campesina, FOEI and World March of Women.
Un appel au ministre en chef de Delhi
The World March of Women (WMW) appeal to the government of India to take a quick actions against the use of women as sex objects in Commonwealth Games, from 3rd to 14th October 2010.
Marcha Mundial de Mujeres-Chile contra los Monocultivos
Día 21 de septiembre es el Día Internacional Contra os Monocultivos de árboles a gran escala. Este dia La Marcha Mundial de Mujeres en Chile decidió hacer un llamamiento a la sociedad para pensar en un nuevo modelo de desarrollo forestal, que sea participativo, multipropósito, equilibrado y sustentable. Un modelo que proteja la biodiversidad y la sobrevivencia de las comunidades locales.
More solidarity actions needed: debt cancelation and climate reparations for Pakistan!
The whole nation of Pakistan continues to reel from devastating impacts of the disaster that hit the country over a month ago. So far the international community failed to take appropriate action to help the Pakistani people. Jubilee South-Asia/Pacific Jubilee Debt & Development Movement calls on organizations and social movements to create many communication activities with the aim of pressuring financial institutions, like the IMF and World Bank, to cancel the external debt of Pakistan. See here how to participate in this campaign.
La Marche mondiale des femmes manifeste sa profonde indignation et rejette la tentative de Coup d’État en Équateur
The World March of Women manifests profound indignation and disgust at the coup d’etat attempt that began in Equador this morning. In the same way that right-wing sectors carried out a coup d’etat in Honduras, they are trying to do the same in Equador. Reactionary and convervative forces do not accept the construction of a free and sovereign Latin America and of the just and democratic society that President Raphael Correa’s government and the people of Equador have constructed by way of their Citizen Revolution.
Women struggling for climate justice and against the commodification of nature
8 mars 2011: Des femmes disent non au REDD
L’eau est un bien commun de l’humanité. L’accès à l’eau de qualité est un droit de toutes et tous.
World March of Women discussion text [1]
Sommet des Peuples pour la Justice Sociale et Environnementale, contre la marchandisation de la vie et de la nature et pour la défense des biens communs
Texts and audiovisuals related to the WMW participation at the summit parallel to Rio+20, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 15 to 23 June 2012
Last modified 2008-02-28 11:54 AM
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