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Jordanian Women Speak out: "Women's Rights are Human Rights"

Jordanian Women Speak out: "Women's Rights are Human Rights"
On October 17th at 12:00 noon, representatives of Jordanian women organizations met at the Arab Women Organization Mosawa Centre to observe the Int. Poverty Day and express solidarity with the World March of Women that gathered representatives of women in Borkina Faso to end the Relay festivities of 2005.

Under the slogan "Women's rights are human rights", Jordanian women reiterated the need for commitment to the MDG Goals. Being signatory to the MDGs, Jordan should work hard on poverty alleviation, Gender equality and environment protection, in particular.

During 2005, the Jordanian Women Organizations resounded through scores of campaigns and ongoing activism by thousands of members and the Mosawa network to put women's human rights squarely on the national agenda, which is being revised these days.

While widespread awareness and vibrant activities have been undertaken, Jordanian women's lives and their security remain vulnerable to increasing violence and human rights abuses.
Last modified 2005-10-28 04:35 PM