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Launch of the Charter - March 8, 2005 - Jordan

The celebration took place under the patronage of the Mayor of Amman at the City Hall at 12:00 on March 8th. It was run by Arab Women Organization. In addition to representatives from the women NGOs and community leaders, there were representatives from UN Agencies. Ms. Emily Naffa was given the floor to speak about the Launching of the Charter in Sao Paolo and to declare the beginning of events in Jordan in preparation for receiving the Global Charter and the Solidarity Quilt on August 3rd from Lebanon to pass them to Tunisia, as part of the Relay. Another meeting is going to be held at the General Union of Voluntary Societies (GUVS, in which 900 NGOs are affiliated), on March 12th.

Media coverage was excellent. Jordan TV broadcasted the March 8th event at prime time News. Different Radio stations kept interviewing several women to talk about the event. The press covered the event with photos. Local press spoke about the Sao Paulo event. Emily furnished them with the information and the event was broadcasted via int. Satellites. We are so happy and wish success for the 2005 Relay.

Leila Hamarneh, AWO, Amman, Jordan

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Last modified 2005-07-18 11:32 AM
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