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Democratic Freewomen Movement (DÖKH) statement on the murder of three Kurdish activists

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January, 11th, 2013 World history continues to host and bear witness to the massacre of Kurdish people. Comrade Sakine Cansız, the unprecedented representative of the women’s resistance and leadership in the Kurdish Freedom Movement and the women’s struggle for freedom, and a symbol of insurgence and rebellion in the Kurdistan’s history, alongside comrades Fidan Doğan and Leyla Söylemez, were murdered in a vicious attack in Paris.

First of all, we offer our condolences to Kurdish people’s leader Honorable Abdullah Öcalan, to Kurdish Freedom Movement, the Kurdish women and the Kurdish people as a whole. As Kurdish women, we are fully conscious of the forces behind this massacre and the reasons for it. Responsibility of this assassination belongs to the approach of the government which openly states that “Both security operations and negotiations will continue.” This conspiracy has not been developed independent of the wills of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Europe and the French state. If there are claims to the contrary, the perpetrators behind this execution should promptly be exposed and held accountable to the Kurdish people.

We would like to underline that the kind of settlement that the Turkish state and the international forces are willing to impose on Kurdish people in the resolution process of Turkey’s Kurdish Question stands plain and obvious to us. The assassination against Cansiz, Doğan and Söylemez is at once an assassination against Kurdish people and Kurdish women, as well as against peace and the struggle for freedom.

We, as the Kurdish Women’s Movement (The Democratic Free Women’s Movement - DOKH) make the promise that the martyrdom of comrade Sakine Cansız and her nurturing practice of resistance shall be our guide towards freedom, along with the memories of Fidan Doğan and Leyla Söylemez that will be kept alive in our struggle. We are in endless grief, yet this grief and pain will not deter us, on the contrary, it will strengthen the will and determination that shall carry us to victory. By this account, as Kurdish women and Kurdish people, we call out that: “We have no tolerance any more!” No one may ever have the right to attack the national will and values of the Kurdish people. Kurdish people and Kurdish women, with their righteous struggle, play a crucial role in the world history of social movements. This fact should duly be recognized and respected.

We bow with respect before the memories of the comrades, Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Söylemez, and call on to condemn this assassination by transforming every venue into a site of action until the perpetrators behind the assassination are exposed. On this basis, we invite all the women across the world and the supporters of women’s struggle for freedom to condemn this vicious attack and to join us in solidarity in our sites of action.

Democratic Freewomen Movement (DÖKH)
Click to read short biographies of the activists

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Last modified 2013-01-17 01:38 PM