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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Turkey

On October 17, from 12:00 to 13:00


The WMW is to demonstrate in front of the Human Rights Statue and to march to the Parliament to claim their demands submitted before receiving the World Relay. 


Women organisations in Diyarbakır are holding an action at the Park dedicated for one honour murder victim by reading Charter and making a press release.


Women are to meet at Haydarpasha Port to make a press release to demonstrate the solidarity.


WMW in Izmir is to demonstrate at Konak Square with balloons and drum.

On October 15 in Ankara

at 11:00 a press conference to announce what actions are taking place around the World and in Turkey during the 24-hours feminist solidarity. 

at 12:00 a women festival at  Yuksel Street including painting, a play of women theatre, performances and dances. The Charter and leaflets to be distributed.

On October 16 in Ankara

at 14:00 a women festival in a park located in one of the poorest neighbourhood in Mamak district


Poster-Affiche-Cartel Oct. 17 Poster-Affiche-Cartel Oct. 17 Poster-Affiche-Cartel Oct. 17
15 Oct Ankara 15 Oct Ankara 15 Oct Ankara
15 October Ankara 15 October Ankara 15 October Ankara
16 Oct Ank 16 Oct Ank 16 Oct Ank
16 October Ank 16 October Ank 16 October Ank
17 Ekim Basin Aciklamasi (Turkce)
17 Ekim Basin Dosyasi (Turkce)
15 Ekim Basin Aciklamasi (Turkce)
Ankara Ankara Ankara
Turkey, Istanbul Turkey, Istanbul Turkey, Istanbul
Women marched for "equality, freedom, justice, solidarity and peace"
Last modified 2005-10-15 06:10 PM
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