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Solidarity action Leusden

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On October 14th , a small group of women, united by the working group 'Vrouw in Kerk en Samenleving'  (=Women in Church and Society) belonging to the Roman Catholic Church St. Jozef in Leusden, the Netherlands, will distribute match boxes in the shopping centre. These match boxes have been covered with a sticker showing the 5 values of the Charter: 'Equality, Freedom, Solidarity, Justice and Peace', as well as the web site address of World Women's March and different statements on the 5 values (e.g. let's distribute peace instead of keeping it; solidarity is something you do together; equality creates peace; freedom is not a right but a duty; justice is everbody's right). In an accompanying note the background of this solidarity action is explained. People are requested to use the matches to light a candle between 12.00 and 13.00 h. on October 17th, to show their support for the Women's Global Charter for Humanity.
Odile Beckers
Working Group Women in Church and Society
The Netherlands
Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-07-12 01:47 PM