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World Relay - Netherlands

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On June 2nd we had a (small scale) activity in the City of Utrecht where the Wereldvrouwenmars NL (WMW in The Netherlands) is based.The program is as following:

June 2nd: colourful gathering on the square in front of the Utrecht City-Hall after the official arrival of the Charter, the Global quilt and the Dutch quilt.
The Mayor of the City of Utrecht, Ms. Annie Brouwer-Korf, symbolically received and welcomed the symbols of the 2005 actions of the World March.
Then we walked to the COS Utrecht, where the gathering continued. Charlot Pierik, the coordinator, gave some information about the 2005 action symbols and the journey they have made so far. All women who were at the gathering participated in the vote to choose which part of the Dutch quilt will join the global quilt and continue with its journey.

June 3rd: five women traveled by car to Copenhagen to bring the symbols.

Pictures in our News section.

Photos du relais aux Pays-Bas / Picture sof the Relay in the Netherlands / Fotos del relevo en los Paises Bajos
Last modified 2005-06-07 02:07 PM
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