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Patchwork Quilt - Netherlands

Meaning of the Dutch Quilt,
Made by Caroline Looman, of Women for Peace

Earth, the basis of our existence. Gesture at the bottom left is the gesture for one but also for attention,
look out, take care. We only have one earth: let's take good care of it.

Wind, breath of our life. Gesture at the top left is the gesture of zero, but also of fine and excellent. Without air, we cannot live, we are nothing.

Fire, which warms and lightens us. Gesture at the top right is the gesture for two. Fire depends on supply and
wind. We are also dependent. It is also the gesture for the letter V, for peace and victory.

Water, which quences our thirst. Gesture at the bottom right is a gesture for good. Good drinking water for
everyone. Bringing the thumb to the mouth represents drinking.

The Heart. Essentially, we all depend on earth, wind, fire and water. With love in the heart, life in joy, friendship and peace with all people. Yellow, red, black and white people and all colours in between. Conscious of the (seven) generations that will follow.
Last modified 2006-02-22 09:43 AM
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