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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Galicia

All over Galicia, women will organize actions for the 24 hours. In Vigo, for example, women will go through the city symbolically, carrying the Galician patchwork quilt of solidarity and globes bearing slogans on the Charter values. Then they will hang their banner from the balcony of the House of Culture, in Constitution Square. Other activities, such as a video show about the March, will follow.  In Ferrol, activities will be held in schools, including a rally and a creative exhibition involving circus elements. Public actions and media events are also planned in Pontevedra, Corunha, Arteixo and Carballo.  A group of women from the Canary Islands, who joined Galician women to receive the Relay, will also organize an action.

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Crecer, soñar, vivir como mujeres en un mundo inspirado por los cinco valores de la Carta
Vigo 17-10-2005
Las primeras fotos corresponden a los actos de la ciudad de Vigo. La Manta de la Solidaridad de Galiza fue trasladada desde el Ayntamiento hasta la Plaza de la Constitución. En el edificio del mpoder local estará izada la bandera de la Marcha en toda la jornada.
vigo 12hs vigo 12hs vigo 12hs
vigo 12hs vigo 12hs vigo 12hs
Primeras fotos Galiza 24hs solidariedade, actos en Vigo
Acto en Vigo Acto en Vigo Acto en Vigo
Acto en Vigo, Galicia.
Ferrol 18hs Ferrol 18hs Ferrol 18hs
Ferrol 19hs Ferrol 19hs Ferrol 19hs
Ferrol 17hs Ferrol 17hs Ferrol 17hs
Ponte Vedra 20:30hs Ponte Vedra 20:30hs Ponte Vedra 20:30hs
Last modified 2005-09-30 02:53 PM
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