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Program of the activities

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The Women’s Global Charter for Humanity and the Patchwork quilt of Solidarity in GALICE from May 20th to 23rd, 2005.



A GUARDA , May 20th, 6 PM.

- Arrival of the Charter and the Patchwork quilt from Caminha (Portugal), crossing the Minho river.

- Arrival of the Charter with speeches of women of the March from GALICE and Portugal.

- Musical performances and poetry.

- Party with food and beverages.


VIGO, May 21st, 6 PM, Plaza de la Constitución
- Photographic exposition of the March.

- Sewing of the Patchwork quilt of GALICE.

- Reading of the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity.
- Musical performances.

COMPOSTELA, May 22nd, Noon, Plaza de la Quintana
- Ceremony of departure.

From FERROL to CARRANZA, May 23rd, 10 AM
- Passage of the Charter and the quilt to the women of the Basque country.


Contributors : Martine Senécal, Agente de liaison MMF - Burkina Faso
Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM
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