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WILPF in action in King George Square on Monday

WILPF in action in King George Square on Monday
By christina h.
Here are some pictures of the assembly that took place in King George Square, in the centre of Brisbane, Australia between 12md and 1pm on October 17th. The participants beat empty pots and pans, rythmically and danced, handed out information about women, poverty and violence (and WILPF) and enjoyed the feeling of solidarity with the women of the world.
The banner on the picture is the one that went around the world with the Australian delegation to the WMW in the year 2000! Photos were taken by Chris Henderson.

"All the banners were made by our artist Brenda Lewis. We are so lucky!"

Good fun, communication, solidarity, message-sending.
In Peace,

Norma Forrest
Last modified 2006-07-12 01:47 PM