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Cuban Women Federation call at the 35th anniversary of the terrorist attack against Cuban airline and in solidarity to the five Cuban heroes

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Dear comrades,

As you surely know, we are in a very important international campaign of dissemination of information about the State Terrorism that our country has suffered since the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, promoted, nurtured and tolerated by the United States government. On October 6th, it will be 35 years of the in the middle of flight explosion of a Cubana Airlines plane returning from Barbados to Havana. Justice has never been administered to the innocent victims (all civilians) and their relatives.

One of the masterminds of this deplorable and criminal action, Luis Posada Carriles, lives in United States, whose judicial system has failed (does not want ) to act with due objectivity so that the crime be punished, and its´s authors as well. 

On the other hand, since last September 12th, when this new phase of the campaign began, The Five Cuban antiterrorist fighters (The Five), our heroes, have completed 13 years of unjust, cruel, inhuman and degrading  imprisonment, deprived of their legitimate right to regularly communicate with their families. They have delivered their strength, their intelligence, and their young lives to the commendable duty of preventing their country from actions such the one occurred in Barbados.  

We Cuban women do not want this crime committed against The Five to remain unpunished as well. And as you may know, this is a battle we are waging in every international space for The Five to return to our homeland. 

Now, Rene Gonzalez, whose wife was never allowed to visit him in prison, has served his sentence, but he is now the victim of a new legal manipulation, which will make him spend  three more years in Miami under “supervised release”. We are attentive to what will be decided next October 7th on his conditional release from prison. We are asking all our friends to support our demand for him to be returned to Cuba to his family and his people. We are also demnding the return of our other four heroes to “the homeland which looks at them proudly”, paraphrasing the words in our national anthem.  They have come together as one in their political and moral conditions, in their firm principles. they have stayed together no matter how hard the US injustice system has tried to separate and isolate them. 

Since you have supported our causes, the struggles of the Cuban women, we are asking you once again to carry out actions and campaigns for our voices to be heard, to promote a follow up to this issue which is so important for our country and our people.  

On the occasion of the 35th Anniversary of the in the middle of flight explosion of the Cubana Airlines plane next October 6th,, resulting from a terrorist action, while we await the terms for René González´s supervised freedom, our friends all over the world may carry out visible actions, with an impact mainly in the media, in the international community, in the United States population, and their diplomatic representations, on their public officials, and their President, who has the authority to set them free, if he would have the willingness todo so. 

Let all the voices, All!! Unite in this call for justice and freedom. 

We will appreciate all actions you may be able to promote.  Please, keep us informed of your actions.   

An ever revolutionary embrace, 

Federation of Cuban Women

Note: Updated information on the Five can be found daily /

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Last modified 2011-10-13 08:05 PM
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