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World March of Women
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Vancouver Event Oct. 17th

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Joan Burrows, mother of Nancy Burrows (who has been on the staff of the World March of Women and who will be in Burkina Faso on Monday), will be hosting @35 of her women friends for coffee and tea in her home on Monday, October 17th, in solidarity with women throughout the world who are experiencing poverty and violence. We will have displays of the Relay and the Charter for Humanity, and hope to generally raise awareness of what the many groups involved in the March are doing to work on problems in their own communities. There will also be specific pictures of the women of TAK, a community-based organization in Korogocho, Nairobi, who have taken leadership in projects to keep their children safe and to ensure that more of them are able to get schooling.

We will be thinking of you all, especially on Monday.
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Last modified 2005-10-15 06:37 PM