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Demo in Oakville, Ontario, Canada

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There will be a demonstration at town centre in Oakville at noon on Monday. Women of Halton Action Movement are inviting all women to join in our demonstration to speak to the Women's Global Charter for Humanity. Women will carry signs naming the values the charter is based on, equality, freedom, solidarity, justice and peace. Affirmations of each of these values will be announced. Bev Le Francois will welcome everyone on behalf of WHAM.  Representatives from the Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services and Canadians in Support of Afghan Women will speak. Special Guest will be Sally Armstrong, well known Canadian journalist.
Linda Middaugh
Women of Halton Action Movement, WHAM
Oakville, Ontario
Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2005-10-15 11:53 PM