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The Canadian Women’s March Committee 2005 - EVENT UPDATE for May 1st – 7th, 2005

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Exciting progress has been made by the Canadian Women March Committee to celebrate the reception of the Global Charter for Humanity.  Events are planned in Vancouver, Yellowknife, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Moncton and Quebec City as the Charter travels across Canada.

YWCA Canada is sponsoring a young woman, Tonika Morgan, to carry the Global Charter for Humanity from event to event. Tonika will be in Vancouver to accept the Charter at the United States border on May 1st and will be its guardian and bearer until it leaves Canada on May 7th from Quebec City.

The Charter was created and agreed upon by 6000 women’s organizations world wide.  It is based on 5 core values; equality, freedom, solidarity, justice and peace.  It is a feminist vision of a world free of exploitation, poverty and violence.  It was launched on March 8, 2005 in Sao Paolo, Brazil, and will finish its global journey in Burkina Faso on October 17, 2005. 

Here’s a quick peek at the Schedule of Events.  You will also find a detailed schedule attached.

Vancouver May 1, 2005

Focus:  Welcoming the Charter to Canada

The Charter arrives in Vancouver from the United States on May 1. In preparation, a workshop will be held on the Global Charter for Humanity at the NAWL Conference in Vancouver on April 30th. Conference delegates will be urged to stay in town for the May 1st activities.

A public rally will take place at the Vancouver Public Library on May 1 starting at 11:30am.  There will be representative of the Canadian Women’s March Committee and the World March Committee in attendance. There will be speakers, entertainment and celebration!

Contact: Lee Lakeman (CASAC) (604) 876 2622

Yellowknife May 2, 2005

Focus: Poverty

There are a number of events planned throughout the day in Yellowknife.  A round of the Poverty Game ™ will be played.  Used to assist professionals and lay people to understand the effects of poverty within the family, it is a creative way to deepen understanding among agencies and individuals. A lunch and a discussion circle focusing on women and poverty will follow.

Contact: Aimee Clark (867) 872 2900

Winnipeg May 3, 2005

Focus: Child Care

The day in Winnipeg begins with a welcoming ceremony to receive the Charter at the Winnipeg International Airport at 9:20am.  A public rally follows at 11:30.  The march begins at the downtown YMCA/YWCA and ends at the legislative buildings. This should be a colourful event with children and child care workers leading the march. The Ministers of Family Services (responsible for child care) and for the Status of Women are sponsoring the events at the legislature. A one hour event is planned with speakers, drummers and entertainers.

An evening event will take place from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Union Centre.

Contact: Debra Mayer (204) 489-6897

Ottawa May 4, 2005

Focus:  Pay Equity

The events in Ottawa will open with a young women’s breakfast, sponsored by the Canadian Federation of Students at 9:30 am.  A public rally will follow at noon at the Human Rights Monument where there will be speaker focusing on Pay Equity.  There will be an evening reception at 5:30 on Parliament Hill hosted by Status of Women Canada.

Contact: Sue Genge (613) 521-3400  ext. 281

Media Contacts: Marie Clarke Walker  (613) 521-3400

Andree Cote (613) 241-7570

Moncton May 5th, 2005

Focus:  Violence Against Women

The women of Moncton have organized a supper and evening event from 4pm – 10pm.  The cost is $7.00 per person and it is necessary to reserve by April 29, 2005

Contact: Nancy Hartling 506-858-1303 Ext. 106 or Huberte Gautreau     506-382-5911

Quebec City May 7th, 2005

The Charter will arrive by ship with an international delegation, followed by a march to the National Assembly, a feminist human chain, a rally, and a show will follow in front of the National Assembly.  Gathering begins at 1pm at Place de Paris, Old Quebec. Women and men of Quebec will show their support for the Charter and the Canadian demands. Come and march in solidarity with the millions of women throughout the world who want an end to poverty, violence, exploitation and discrimination.

Event Contact: Barbara Legault, Fédération des femmes du Québec

Media Contact: Linda Lévesque cell: (514) 242-8909 email:


Local groups will handle local media. The CWMC will issue a national media advisory about all the events on April 21 and a press release April 28. For information about Tonika Morgan please contact Jenny Robinson, YWCA Canada at (416) 962-8881 ext. 224

Members of the Canadian Women’s March Committee

Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres                       604.876.2622

Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada                             204 489-6897

Canadian Federation of Students                                           613.232.7394

Canadian Labour Congress                                                   613.521.3400 x.281 

Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women      613.563.0681

Fédération des Femmes du Québec                                       514.876.0166

Métis National Council of Women                                           613.567.4287

National Anti-Poverty Association                                          613.789.0096

National Association of Women and the Law                            613.241.7570

Women’s Inter-church Council of Canada                                416.929.5184

YWCA Canada                                                                    416.962.8881


Last modified 2005-05-12 11:47 AM