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The World Women's March Comes to Ottawa: May 4, 2005

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Join with other women to welcome the World Women's March Charter for Humanity. The Charter is travelling around the world from Brazil through the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. It arrives in Canada May 1st.

We support the Charter's key values: equality, freedom, peace, justice and solidarity. We join with our sisters internationally in celebration of these values. In Canada, we again demand effective action against poverty and
violence against women as we did in the Women's March 2000.

Each stop in Canada will highlight a key demand of the 2000 March - we are still waiting for government action.  Women's groups in Vancouver will welcome the Charter on May 1st with an action against violence against
women. In Yellowknife on May 2nd women will focus on poverty and in Winnipeg on child care on May 3rd. May 5th women in Moncton will also demand action on violence against women.

In Ottawa, we will draw attention to the need for government action on pay equity - one demand which saw some government attention - they appointed a Task Force! The Pay Equity Task Force reported one year ago and proposed important recommendations to bring proactive pay equity to federal workers. Now is the time for a pay equity law based on the Task Force report. This is
our demand.

Join with women around the world in the 2005 Women's March for justice,
peace, freedom, solidarity and equality.

May 4th, 2005 - 12 Noon
Human Rights Monument: Elgin and Lisgar
Equal Pay Lunch Provided
Pay Equity Now!

Last modified 2005-04-25 01:26 PM
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