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The March in Senegal, from 2000 to 2005

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History of the Senegalese committee of the World March of Women

In Senegal, a piloting committee of the activities of the World March of Women was founded by more that one hundred (150) organizations working on the promotion of Human rights. An office gathering 8 organizations was founded to coordinate the activities of this committee. Some focal points were installed in all the regions of the country.

Between 1995 and 2000, the Siggil Jigeen Network – who coordinates the piloting committee of the March – led, in collaboration with the Committee of the World March, a few activities concerning the March:

  • The organization of a regional March in all the regions of Senegal, an occasion for the women of every zone to present their specific demands to the Governor of their region. Those regional Marches permitted to make the women, including those from distant zones, aware of the world demands about poverty and violence against women.
  • A national meeting gathered in Kaffrine, in the center of Senegal, more than 1,500 Senegalese women, all dressed with white clothes, who expressed themselves in front of the authorities. It led to a few commitments from Mrs Aminata Tall, then Minister.
  • Finally, more than forty women supported by the Senegalese government and by other partners for the development joined themselves to their sisters of the entire world participating in a big meeting in New York on October 17th, 2000, preceded by a series of meetings in Washington to exchange with the institutions of Bretton Woods.

To sum up, the realizations of the Senegalese committee of the March piloted by the Siggil Jigeen Network are:

  • The return meeting of the preparation meeting on the activities of the March, in Montreal;
  • The seminar to amend the demands of the World March in Ker Cupaam (Popenguine). This meeting permitted to find the national slogan: 2000 way of marching: fippu, bamtare, ndellouk, kasumai, words taken in the local languages and that refer to the idea of wealth and peace;
  • Press conference on March 7th, 2000 to mark the launching of the March;
  • Tour in all the regions of Senegal to install the focal points;
  • Organization of 10 regional marches;
  • Organization of the national March in Kaffrine;
  • Participation of 50 women to the international meeting in New York;
  • Day of evaluation of the participation of Senegal to the World March of Women for the year of 2000;
  • Participation of Senegal to the 5th international meeting in Kigali;
  • Return on the results of the Kigali meeting to the members of the national piloting committee and to the focal points;
  • Press meeting concerning the launching of the Women’s Global Charter on March 8th, 2005.

Those activities were held thanks to the support of our partners like UNIFEM and the PDPF (A project of the CECI, funded by CIDA) and Development and Peace.

Foreseen activities in 2005

Senegal will receive in October an international delegation of the World March after the relay. The goal of this world relay is to popularize the Women’s Global Charter and to demonstrate the solidarity of the feminine movements. Launched on March 8th, 2005 in Brazil, the world relay will stop in Senegal on October 8th for a three-day journey.

At the occasion of this event, the Senegalese women will sew on a patchwork of solidarity measuring 50cm by 50 cm that they will join to the squares of other countries. This passage of the relay will also be a good time to popularize the spirit and the values of the Women’s Global Charter.

Senegal will transmit the relay to Mali on October 10th, 2005. The Malian will then transmit the relay to Burkina Faso (last step).

After the final step in Burkina Faso, a part of the international delegation will come back to Senegal for the needs of the strategic planning.

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Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM
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