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World Relay - Mozambique

General Information


South Africa


September 18th

- Welcoming of a delegation from the Great Lakes region (Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi) who will bring the Women’s Global Charter and their national squares for the patchwork quilt of solidarity.

- Car procession from the airport to the accomodation place of the delegates from the Great Lakes.

- Reception to welcome the visiting delegation with women’s organizations and Board of directors of Forum Mulheres.


September 19th

- National march from the Freedom Square to the Independence Square, where will be held the main event of the World March of Women in Mozambique. Presentation of the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity, of the Declaration of Women from Mozambique, and of the National Patchwork Quilt of Solidarity.


September 20th

- Visit of a few projects or organizations members of Forum Mulheres.


September 21st

- Departure of a Mozambican delegation to hand over the relay and the squares for the quilt to women in South Africa.

Acciones en Mozambique (portugues)
Programa (portugués)
Last modified 2005-09-16 05:38 AM
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