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World Relay - Burundi

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Joint focal point with the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.

The women of the CAFOB in Burundi will receive the relay from their sisters at the border with Rwanda and would like to have a delegation travelling to Mozambique to transmit the Charter and the quilt to the women there. Here are the activities they plan:

  • Translation of the Charter in Kirundi
  • Popularization of the message of the CharterText about the Charter in the newsletter “Nawe arashoboye” made for the women by CAFOB
  • Welcoming of the quilt on September 15th 2005 at the Kanyaru border (of Rwanda and Burundi) by a delegation of women from the government and feminine associations conducted by the minister of Social Action and Promotion of the Woman
  • Sewing of the patchwork of Burundi to the international quilt in Kanyaru
  • Trip back to Bujumbura
  • On September 16th, 2005, national celebrations around the relay at the FFB stadium
  • On September 17th, 2005, handing over of the relay to the women of Mozambique.

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Last modified 2005-08-22 03:46 PM
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