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Demanding Peace in the Middle-East

Emily Naffa, from Jordan, member of the IC, expresses herself about the US agression in the Middle-East.
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The US administration is trying to build its Empire all over the world through launching wars agressions and occupying countries rich in petroleum. The American project of the greater Middle East aims to control the whole petroleum in the area. It is using its military, financial and trade arms (the NATO, WB, IMF and WTO), the Israeli governement, Blair and other allies to implement its project.

The US war on Iraq who controls the third reserve of petroleum in the world, caused destruction grave damage and killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

Women as well as people of  Palestine who are still under Israaeli occupation, backed by US are suffering fron collective punishment, killings, destruction of houses, imprisonment and displacement. Lately they comitted a massacre in Gaza. The Israeli prisons close on around the thousand men, women and children.

The prevailing dangerous situation that threaten peace in the whole world urges us to unite our forces and demands:

  1. the withdrawal of israeli troops from Palestinian occupied territories, release all prisoners and implement the United Nations resolutions that ensures the legitime rights of Palestinians;
the withdrawal of the American troops and its allies from Iraq immediately and enable the Iraqi people to restore their freedom and establish their democratic system and use their wealth for the interest of the people. »
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Last modified 2006-09-14 02:27 PM
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