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2000 - National Demands

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Here are some of the different national demands, sorted by country, territory or region and by topic. So far, we have received 40 countries' national platforms. Of these, we have only classified 29 platforms (in their original language). 

By country or territory

The platforms currently available for consultation were sent by the following national coordinating bodies:

Africa (Workshop, Ouagadougou), Belgium, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Croatia, El Salvador, France, Ghana, Jordan, Luxembourg, Morocco, Mexico, Mozambique, Niger, Panama, Peru, Quebec, Central African Republic, Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Yugoslavia, Romania, Senegal, Switzerland, Chad, Togo, Ukraine.

pdfNational Demands by Countries
Acrobat Reader File, 108 p. (268 Kb)

By topic

Topics were chosen in order to facilitate consultation and systematize the numerous demands; they do not have any other signification. They serve as convenient "folders" and do not pretend to be scientifically exact or exhaustive. The demands themselves indicate the political orientation of the national platform. Also, because some of the demands refer to a number of themes, do not be surprised to find the same demand sorted under several headings.

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-05-05 05:14 PM
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