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WMW Strategic Plan

Plan decided in the 6th International Meeting of the WMW in July 2006 in Lima - Peru and finalized by International Committee in December 2006.
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Strategic plan










February 2007




















WMW Political Action Plan 2007-2010


The Common Good and Access to Resources


Women's Work


Violence Against Women


Peace and Demilitarization


Chart of International Actions




WMW Internal Action Plan 2007-2010


International Secretariat


International Committee


Working Groups and Collectives


Regional Coordination


International Committee Members


World March of Women

Strategic Plan 2007 - 2010






This is the World March of Women Strategic Plan for the periode 2007 – 2010 finalized at the meeting of the International Committee (IC) that took place from December 10 to 13 2006 in São Paulo, Brasil.

The follow IC members were present: Miriam Nobre, Nana Aicha Cissé, Wilhelmina Trout, Nadia DeMond, Celina dos Santos; Maria Del Rosario Quispe; Rosa Guillén; Amparo Skioko (replacing Jing Ynares). Two IC members were absent. Saleha Athar who didn´t come because she had problems with her transit visa for Germany, and Farida El Nakash.

Diane Matte was present to accompany the International Secretariat transition process; also present was a consultant, Lyne Bouchard, and Graziela Schneider who did the report. Nalu Faria, Sônia Gomes, Andréa Butto, Alessandra Ceregatti participated as guests and  representantives of the Brazilian National Coordinating Body. Their presence was considered important to maintaining a dynamic relationship between the international and local levels.

We also benefited from the voluntary contribution of interpreters: Ana Amorim, Julia Di Giovanni, Laeticia Jalil, Paula Marcelino, Tatau Godinho, Henrique Cotrim, Marcelo Daniliauskas, Claudine Charan, Márcia Macedo, Tica Moreno, Maitê Llanos.


At this meeting we concluded a process that lasted a year-and-a-half, coordinated by the International Secretariat, with the participation of the International Committee and rouly 40 National Coordinating Bodies via two consultations and in the 6th International Meeting held in Lima, Peru from July 2 to 9 2006.

The planning process itself has generated concrete results for the consolidation of the World March of Women as a movement to be reckoned with. We have reinforced our political identity by sharing responsibilities among the International Committee and National Coordinating Bodies, and we have an ongoing work plan that makes the link between local and international issues.

This plan develops the WMW´s two themes – the struggle against poverty and violence against women – around four action focuses: violence against women as a tool of control over our lives and bodies; peace and demilitarization; women’s work; common good and access to  resources. It also aims to strengthen our organizational structure, including the International Secretariat, International Committee, the working groups and collectives, and the Regional Coordinating Bodies.

We want to articulate our actions and reflection, the initiatives of National Coordinating Bodies and those the International Secretariat and the International Committee, in order to  reaffirm the WMW as a grassroots-oriented international movement. Our 2010 Global Action will be build as a moment that articulate all this common work.


Change women’s lives to change the world!


São Paulo, February 2007


The methodology of our strategic planning process is based on two constitutive elements of the identity of the World March of women: action oriented and connected to the grassroots. The guiding principles were as follows.

Be participative

This strategic planning process lasted over a period of a year and a half from the first meeting of the International Committee (IC) in Dakar in October 2005 to the last meeting of the IC in Sao Paulo in December 2006. During this period, we have consulted the participating groups, the National Coordinating Bodies (NCBs) and adopted the overall orientations of our strategic plan at our 6th International Meeting held in Lima, Peru in July 2006. This meeting was attended by 51 delegates from 29 countries.

Reinforce the links between our international, national and local agendas

The World March of Women´s mobilizing strength is directly linked to our ability to mesh the global, national and local agendas. So our strategic plan of action and its political content has to be conceived in a way that enhance and reinforce these links. The action areas have been defined as a synthesis of the preoccupations and the actions already being taken by the NCBs. We will be even more focused on these areas in order to build concrete strategies and action proposals. We also want to support the relationship between the NCBs and the IC as well as between NCBs. In order to do that and reinforce the March as a whole, we want to highlight the actions of the NCBs by action areas and promote communications between NCBs to share  their analysis, their evaluation etc.

We want to go further than identifying the impact of global policies like the free trade agreements, the militarization, etc. on the daily life of women. We want women’s resistance and the alternatives that we are building at the local level to be the basis of our global proposals and strategies.

Reflexion and action in synergy

We do not see the relationship between reflexion and action processes as a hierarchy nor do we want to establish them as separate moments and separate responsabilities of different women.

We want to deepen our analysis on each of the proposed action areas. We see this both as a discussion process among ourselves and also with our allies. We believe in the importance of transposing our analysis in actions by confronting status quo, evaluate our actions and systematize what we have learned to enrich our analysis. We also want to give ourselves moments to reflect and study so we can learn from history and feminist theory.


Analysis building and change

In our strategic plan, we sometimes refer to the necessity for the NCBs´need to deepen the understanding of a principle or a concept. We do not see this process as the NCB’s having to adopt a concept developed by someone else but as a collective construction. The IC presents some common elements and the debate within the NCB’s gives us the possibility to build our analysis. It is also a construction process involving our allies. We learn from them, and can then propose to the other members of the March the concepts, principles and evaluations of other movements, reshaping them with a feminist practice and vision at the grass-root level. Another of our main is to influence other movements to change through their contact and actions with us. Our objective is to build a constantly growing common identity through analysis and action which reinforces our collective capacity to attain our goals.


Call to action

We want to have global, national and regional concerted actions. We also (NCBs and our allies) want to ensure the presence of the WMW in all the major mobilizing efforts and joint actions of the feminist movements. The IC has undertaken to send out calls to action that reflect the vision of the WMW, reinforce the analysis and practice of NCBs, and enable us to take a stand on the current global context.














The common good and access to resources

Political Objectives

  • Further our analysis on the links between poverty, violence, the destruction of the environment, militarization, the neoliberal system and its impact on women’s lives, and on globalization from a feminist perspective; update our demands and carry out actions.
  • Take action against the privatization of the common good and for fair and conscientious utilization, particularly of water.
  • Reinforce struggles and mobilization against the WTO, G8 and free trade treaties.


The common good and access to resources - WMW

Desired outcome


International activities and actions


Suggested national and regional actions

Production of and discussion on a text about feminist economic alternatives, nationally and regionally


Update the 2002 World March of Women text on feminist economic alternatives

§         Organize a meeting of feminist economic alternatives working group

Feminist economic alternatives working group (WG) in collaboration with the Alliances and globalization collective




Collect and circulate the thinking and concrete actions of NCBs within the WMW





Organize a workshop on women's work, the common good and access to resources

Feminist economic alternatives WG




Continue discussions with our allies withint the WSF and other forums in which other social movements are represented

Alliances and globalization collective





Invite NCBs to develop popular education tools with women at the grassroots, nationally and regionally


Develop popular education tools adapted to each country


NCBs are made familiar with the principle of food sovereignty; national mobilization



Organize a workshop at the Nairobi WSF between rural and urban women,and between women of the North and South, and South-South

Alliances and globalization collective




Invite NCBs to debate the text on food sovereignty


Jointly organize Nyelini forum in Mali with Via Campesina, Friends of the Earth and other allies

Nyeleni committee




Take part in any follow-up to Nyelini Forum

IS and the feminist economic alternatives WG




Invite currently active NCBs and participating groups to organize workshops


Organize national actions after Nyelini forum



Develop tools to sensitize and mobilize women in urban areas

IS and the feminist economic alternatives WG




Invite all NCBs and participating groups to organize workshops


Organize workshops on food sovereignty


Development of a shared political position on the common good, the environment and biodiversity


Ask NCBs for information and articles on the privatization of the common good, the environment and biodiversity





Create an ad hoc group to draft a discussion paper





Organize a discussion on the topic with the IC





Take part in the action to resist the privatization of water at the US Social Forum in Atlanta

Alliances and globalization collective


Mobilize all NCBs for a joint action



Organize an international action, consulting NCBs and participating groups at the WMW International Meeting in Galicia

IC and Galicia NCB and the

feminist economic alternatives WG

Conduct actions to protect resources, knowledge and peoples’ sovereignty by disseminating and using the Women's Global Charter for Humanity to stimulate discussion.



Systematize our vision and alternatives in this field of action





International action to highlight our alternatives




World March of Women

Women’s Work

Political objectives

  • Continue our work on feminist economic alternatives and review our demands in this respect.
  • Denounce the impact of neoliberal and patriarchal globalization on the lives of women, on the working conditions of all women and on their financial autonomy.
  • Consolidate the solidarity of women and struggles between the South and North, and South-South.
  • Call for the creation of a universal social security system, the consolidation of jobs with social rights, pay equity, adequate conditions for production and commercialization for peasant women, women handicraft producers and small business women, jobs for women, especially disabled women, access to land and resources, etc..
  • Call for the recognition of reproductive labour, equitable sharing of this work between women and men, and social responsibility for this labour..


Women’s Work - WMW

Desired outcome


International activities and actions


Suggested national and regional actions

Organize a global campaign for women's economic autonomy (e.g., the institution of a minimum wage, labour rights, the right to employment with decent conditions, solidarity economy, shared responsibility for reproductive labour, etc.)



Organize a workshop at the Nairobi WSF on the topic of women and work

Alliances and globalization collective




Update the 2002 WMW text on feminist economic alternatives

Feminist economic alternatives WG




Identify and internally share NCBs work concerning:

  • Our experiences of resistance concerning labour rights, the importance of economic autonomy, free trade agreements and the international institutions by means of mass and alternative media and popular education tools.





Organize a workshop on women's work, the common good and access to resources

Feminist economic alternatives WG




Produce writing on different topics:

  • Integration and trade alternatives, discussions on the solidarity economy and fair trade

Feminist economic alternatives WG




Produce and disseminate mobilizing materials





Organize a global campaign for women's economic autonomy that is rooted in the regions and reaches out to the media

IC and feminist economic alternatives WG

At the national and regional levels, the campaign should:

- make visible women's reproductive labour and their condition of overwork; the practices of the transnationals in exploiting the work of urban, rural, indigenous and migrant women

- denounce the increasing instability of women’s work such as subcontracting, domestic work, immigrant labour, legislation changes, the prohibition of unionization, etc..

- raise society’s awareness about State responsibility for daycare, programs to care for the sick and elderly and other services to support social reproduction and men's responsibility for reproductive labour.


Strengthen the WMW's participation in the struggle against free trade


Inform NCBs about the free trade agenda and invite them to take part in resistance actions






Europe Coord.

Invite NCBs and participating groups to mobilize for the G8 in europe



Disseminate the analysis of NCBs and our allies concerning free trade





Gather concrete examples of subcontracting denounced by NCBs





Identify and disseminate info on links between struggles regarding subcontracting in different sectors or transnationals





Inform NCBs about the free trade agenda and invite them to take part in resistance actions





Disseminate the analysis of NCBs and our allies concerning free trade





Invite NCBs to conduct actions denouncing these transnationals






Inform NCBs about the free trade agenda and invite them to take part in resistance actions





Disseminate the analysis of NCBs and our allies concerning free trade





Systematize our vision and alternatives in this field of action





International action to highlight our alternatives




World March of Women

Violence against women

Political objectives

  • Further our thinking and organize actions to denounce violence against women as a tool for controlling women’s bodies, lives and sexuality; and update our demands
  • Further our thinking and propose actions to oppose the commodification of women’s bodies
  • Develop an ongoing plan for actions and discussion on violence against women for the WMW


Violence against women - WMW

Desired outcome


International activities and actions


Suggested national and regional actions

Influence global discourse/compre-hension on violence against women and the commodification of women’s bodies.


Bring together women's groups with expertise to assess feminists' strategies for fighting violence against women in recent years.





Ask NCBs and participating groups for their best practices in prevention and denunciation





Draft and disseminate among NCBs a critical analysis paper and proposals

IS and violence against women WG




Organize a discussion on the topic with the IC

Violence against women WG




Invite NCBs to organize meetings to think about and discuss the issue





Disseminate and invite NCBs to discuss the Peruvian NCB's Manifesto on Sexual Insurrection





Organize an international seminar in Mexico to discuss strategies for fighting VAW and discuss different topics (e.g., honour crimes, rape as a crime against humanity, femicide, commodification of women's bodies, etc.)

IS and violence against women working group and Americas RC



Develop an ongoing plan for actions and discussion on violence against women as a tool to control women


Invite NCBs to mobilize for November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women





Invite NCBs to mobilize for November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women





Invite NCBs to mobilize for November 25, International Day Against Volence Against Women





Organize an international action specific to the World March of Women

- with a media campaign and directed at other social movements

- by inviting NCBs to organize media awareness raising campaigns or a day of discussion in all the schools

IC and violence against women  working group



Development of a shared political position on prostitution and sex trafficking


Ask if the NCBs have discussed prostitution; outcome of discussion; do they have a public position and if so, what is it?





Organize a discussion on the topic with the IC and propose a WMW position






Draft a position paper and proposal for discussion process to support NCBs in their thinking on the issue.

Violence against women working group




Organize a discussion on the topic during the IM in Galicia





Systematize our vision and alternatives in this field of action





International action to highlight our alternatives (notably during the World Cup of Soccer in South Africa and the Olympic Games in Vancouver)




World March of Women

Peace and Demilitarization

Political objectives

  • Continue thinking and organizing actions on planetary demilitarization and the related demands (an end to the arms race, nuclear arms, the militarization of space, closure of military bases and agreements, demilitarization of state budgets, reparations, and an end to terrorism as a form of war, etc..)
  • Take action to denounce all forms of impunity, rape as a war weapon, the use of women’s bodies as war booty, and more generally, the links between militarism and violence against women
  • Raise public awareness of the feminist analysis of the roots of war, our definition of peace and demands.


Peace and demilitarization - WMW

Desired outcome


International activities and actions


Suggested national and regional actions

Strengthen our feminist analysis and actions for peace and demilitarization (our movement and other social movements)

2007 January

Organize a women's caravan from the Great Lakes region for the Nairobi WSF and discuss with our allies our analysis of peace and demilitarization

Peace and Demilitarization collective




Gather up the thinking of groups and NCBs on this topic (e.g., application of Resolution 1325 and demands for remedies and justice)





Update the March's documents on this issue

IC and violence against women  WG




Write and disseminate a feminist position paper on the causes and consequences of war and militarism

Violence against women WG




Coordinate participation in the Ecuador meeting of the Coalition Against Military Bases and follow-up





Disseminate a WMW statement on November 25, denouncing impunity with respect to crimes against women in wartime and militarized zones





Ensure a presence at the Mediterranean Social Forum in Palestine




24 May

Coordinate a day of reflection and actions on peace, demilitarization and against impunity and the use of women’s bodies as war booty, and rape as a war weapon

Produce and disseminate mobilizing materials

IC and violence against women WG

Organize popular education campaigns with women at the grassroots and in the media



Invite NCBs to organize an action for the Women's Day of Action Against War (May 24)


Organize actions in the regions



Systematize our vision and alternatives in this field of action





International action to highlight our alternatives




Chart of International Actions 2007-2010 - WMW







Common good and

access to resources

Update the 2002 WMW text on feminist economic alternatives

- Organize a meeting of feminist economic alternatives working group

Organize a workshop on women's work, the common good and access to resources

Develop tools to sensitize and mobilize women in urban areas

International action to highlight our alternatives


Collect and circulate the thinking and concrete actions of NCBs within the WMW

Continue discussions with our allies within the WSF and other forums in which other social movements are represented

Invite all NCBs and participating groups to organize workshops



Organize a workshop for the Nairobi WSF between rural and urban women, and women of the North and South, and South-South

Take part in any follow-up to Nyelini Forum

Systematize our vision and alternatives in this field of action



Invite NCBs to debate the text on food sovereignty





Jointly organize Nyelini forum in Mali with Via Campesina, Friends of the Earth and other allies

Invite currently active NCBs and participating groups to organize workshops




Ask NCBs for information and articles on the privatization of the common good, the environment and biodiversity

Organize an international action, consulting NCBs and participating groups at the WMW International Meeting in Galicia




Create an ad hoc group to draft a discussion paper





Organize a discussion on the topic with the IC





Take part in the action to resist the privatization of water at the US Social Forum in Atlanta





Women's work

Organize a workshop at the Nairobi WSF on the topic of women and work

Organize a workshop on women's work, the common good and access to resources

Organize a global campaign for women's economic autonomy that is rooted in the regions and reaches out to the media

International action to highlight our alternatives


Update the 2002 WMW text on feminist economic alternatives

Produce writing on different topics:

- Integration and trade alternatives, discussions on the solidarity economy and fair trade

Invite NCBs to conduct actions denouncing these transnationals



Identify and share internally the NCBs work concerning:

- Our experiences of resistance cocnerning labour rights, the importance of economic autonomy, free trade agreements and the international institutions by means of mass and alternative media and popular education tools

Produce and disseminate mobilizing materials

Inform NCBs about the free trade agenda and invite them to take part in resistance actions



Inform NCBs about the free trade agenda and invite them to take part in resistance actions

Gather concrete examples of subcontracting denounced by NCBs

Disseminate the analysis of NCBs and our allies concerning free trade




Identify and disseminate info on links between struggles regarding subcontracting in different sectors and transnationals

Systematize our vision and alternatives in this field of action



Disseminate the analysis of NCBs and our allies concerning free trade

Inform NCBs about the free trade agenda and invite them to take part in resistance actions

Invite NCBs to mobilize for November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women




Disseminate the analysis of NCBs and our allies concerning free trade

Organize an international action specific to the World March of Women

- with a media campaign and other social movements

- by inviting NCBs to organize media awareness raising campaigns or a day of discussion in all the schools



Violence Against Women

Bring together women’s groups with expertise to assess feminists' strategies for fighting violence against women in recent years.

Organize an international seminar in Mexico to discuss strategies for fighting VAW and discuss different topics

Systematize our vision and alternatives in this field of action

International action to highlight our alternatives (notably during the World Cup of Soccer in South Africa and the Olympic Games in Vancouver)


Ask NCBs and participating groups for their best practices in prevention and denunciation

Invite NCBs to mobilize for November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women




Draft and disseminate among NCBs a critical analysis paper and proposals

Organize a discussion on prostitution and sex trafficking during the IM in Galicia




Organize a discussion on the topic with the IC





Invite NCBs to organize meets to think about and discuss the issue





Disseminate and invite NCBs to discuss the Peruvian NCB's Sexual Insurrection Manifesto





Invite NCBs to mobilize for November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women





Ask if the NCBs have discussed prostitution; outcome of their discussion; do they have a public position and if so, what is it?





Organize a discussion on the topic with the IC and propose a WMW position





Draft a position paper and proposal for discussion process to support NCBs in their thinking on the issue.





Peace and demilitarization

Organize a women's caravan from the Great Lakes region for the Nairobi WSF and discuss with our allies our analysis of peace and demilitarization

Ensure a presence at the Mediterranean Social Forum in Palestine

Invite NCBs to organize an action for the Women's Day of Action Against War (May 24)

International action to highlight our alternatives


Gather up the thinking of groups and NCBs on this topic (e.g., application of Resolution 1325 and demands for remedies and justice)

Coordinate a day of reflection and actions on peace, demilitarization and against impunity and the use of women’s bodies as war booty, and rape as a war weapon

Produce and disseminate mobilizing materials

Systematize our vision and alternatives in this field of action



Update the March's documents on this issue





Write and disseminate a feminist position paper on the causes and consequences of war and militarism





Coordinate participation in the Ecuador meeting of the Coalition Against Military Bases and follow-up





Disseminate a WMW statement for November 25, denouncing impunity with respect to crimes against women in wartime and militarized zones





World March of Women

Internal Focus

Strategic objectives

  • Strengthen the world march of women as a movement at the national, regional and international level
  • Develop our organizational and financial capacity
  • Strengthen capacity, especially of women exercising political mandates within the WMW


Internal Focus - WMW

International Secretariat (IS)

Desired outcome




Finalize transition and training of IS in Brazil



Hire three employees (administration, communications and liaison)




Train new employees concerning their respective roles and working tools (for example: language courses, self-financing, financial management, familiarity with Web site, software, etc.)




Former IS workers accompany new team as needed

Former IS workers



Consolidate translating team in Brazil (transfer knowledge and expertise of Québec team)




Expand network of translators (transfer of knowledge and expertise of Québec team)



Stabilize the WMW's financial position and administration of IS


Develop a funding and self-financing strategy




Maintain and develop links with various funders




Prepare funding applications to various funders




Consolidate administration and financial policies and procedures




Establish budget monitoring mechanisms adapted to the strategic plan




Explore and implement various self-financing activities



Manage information and communications tools


Transfer Web site to a Brazilian server




Update Web site




Review editorial procedures for the quarterly newsletter




Develop and implement a feminist action schedule




Publish the newsletter quarterly




Adapt the filing system




Maximize use of the Web site




Implement a feminist action schedule




Publish the newsletter monthly



Internal Focus - WMW

International Committee

Desired outcome




Increase capacity of IC members in the their different roles


Enable members to assume different responsibilities:

  • Feminist process and structure
  • Facilitation techniques, financial management, information management, communications tools (Skype, Web site, etc.)
  • History of feminist and other social movements (global and regional)




Hold discussions and debates on diverse topics and on the current global and regional context



Increase capacity of members in the their liaison role


Update computer equipment of all members




Establish a communications schedule for the IC, IS and NCBs




Equip members so they can communicate in at least two of the three WMW working languages




Identify translation resources in every region




Facilitate the organization of regular regional meetings



Consolidate regional coordinating structures


Establish a consolidation or construction plan for regional coordinating structures




Hold a meeting of representatives from a single region and the NCBs




Increase the number of NCBs in each region




Ensure monitoring of international and regional strategic plan



Internal Focus - WMW

Working groups and collectives

Desired outcome




Maximize effectiveness of working groups and collectives


Merge certain working groups and collectives




Identify participating groups or individuals who can support the work of working groups and collectives

IS and IC


Develop political analysis of the WMW's different files and build consensus


Coordinate meetings of working groups and collectives




Hold meetings of working groups and collectives

Working groups and collectives



Ensure the production of position papers, articles and internal and external discussion papers

Working groups and collectives


Internal Focus - WMW

Regional coordinating structures

Desired outcome




Strengthen WMW regional coordinating structures


Hold meeting(s) of representatives of a single region to establish a regional operating and strategic plan





Hold a regional meeting




Determine the operations of the regional coordinating structure



Set up WMW structure in every world region (political consensus building)


Implement the regional operating and strategic plan




Hold preparatory meetings before the IM with NCBs at the regional and subregional levels (depending on stated needs)




Hold meetings with NCBs at the regional and subregional levels




Hold preparatory meetings before the IM with NCBs at the regional and subregional levels












Trout, Wilhelmina (South Africa)


Cissé, Nana Aicha (Mali)


Guillen, Rosa (Peru)


Nepo Quispe, Maria (Mexico)


El Nakash, Farida (Egypt)


Athar, Saleha (Pakistan)


Ynares, Caridad (Jing) (The Philippines)


Santos, Celina (Portugal)


De Mond, Nadia (Italy)


Nobre, Miriam

Coordinator, International Secretariat (Brazil)





World March of Women – International Secretariat

Rua Ministro Costa e Silva, 36, Pinheiros, São Paulo- SP, CEP: 05417-080, Brasil.

Legal status: SOF – Serviço de Orientação da Família


Telephone and Fax: 55-11-3819-3876

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2007-05-17 04:07 PM
This item is available in
Español, Français, English