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April 2002 - Dedication

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To all the women who spoke out and marched for the first time, to those who reaffirmed their feminism, to those who continue to fight against all forms of injustice, to those who are far-seeing and dare to dream, to those who refuse to accept the status quo, to those who believe in the power of solidarity, to all women who marched in the past, are marching now and will march in the future….

To all of us, all of us who resist injustice, who see to basic needs so that life may continue, and who are building another world and developing alternatives to ensure tomorrow and the next day for our families, our communities, our peoples and our planet. We do it lovingly, passionately, resolutely and with unshakable belief in the common good. Our acts of resistance may be individual or collective, conducted in a crowd or on a march, alone and in groups, in crowds and in marches. We act on behalf of ourselves, men, and children, so that we may watch them grow strong and beautiful, proud to belong to the human race and to share this Earth of ours.

To our diversified, manifold women's movement, with whom we have the power to change the world!


Diane Matte
World March of Women


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Women on the March
Focus on the Actions and Demands of the World March of Women
April 2002

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Last modified 2006-03-23 03:09 PM
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