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April 2002 - Actions to Revolutionize the World

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Actions to Revolutionize the World

By way of introduction
Marching On for Bread and Roses
Actions to Revolutionize the World
How We Said It: Building Solidarity
Snapshots of Home and Elsewhere
2001: A March-to Be Continued?


The aftermath of the 2000 March began on October 18, 2000

On the following day, October 18, representatives of 100 countries gathered to conduct preliminary evaluation of the March.

Several months later, a representative from Mexico appreciated "the unified position of the March's political delegation" that "boded well for the continuation of this movement to demand the transformation of global economic policy."

The actions, however, did not elicit the response women had hoped for. Politicians and the most important news organizations around the world did not show much interest in women's problems.

This is why the action - or rather actions - are continuing. In October 2001, many groups organized demonstrations against war, intolerance and armed intervention.




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Women on the March
April 2002

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-03-23 03:09 PM
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