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WMW International Newsletter n. 04/2013 - The Brazilian mandate of the IS in photos

This newsletter is the last one to be published during the Brazilian mandate of the International Secretariat (IS) of the World March of Women. In January 2014, the IS will be transferred to Mozambique.

Our experience during this period of a little over seven years demonstrates just how a change of this magnitude -  which implies dealing with new political cultures and forms of action - is positive for the movement. Since 2006, when the IS moved from Quebec to Brazil, we have been able to continue using the WMW’s consensus-building method. These consensuses are reflected in the documents that are part of our history and our records, and strengthen our identity and common political platforms. We have shared responsibilities more with the WMW’s International Committee members and other activists in the March in terms of following-up on the building of both our movement and processes developed in alliance with mixed movements, which helps them to incorporate feminist analyses and practices. We have won greater recognition from society as a whole and from institutions. While there is still a lot to do, we are certain that the transition of the IS will revitalise us and help us to move forward.

Over the next few months, our challenge as a movement will be to ensure the effective transition of the IS, while at the same time, we organise our Fourth International Action. This action is seen as a process in which feminist political training and communications will be particularly strategic. And our sisters in Mozambique, led by Graça Samo, are certain that they have the support of the entire movement in facing this challenge.

We say goodbye to the task of hosting the IS, but not to our activism within the WMW. Since the 9th  International Meeting in Brazil, we have dedicated ourselves to organising the records of the work carried out in recent years, as well as frequent conversations with our Mozambican sisters in order to transfer knowledge we have accumulated. We have also worked on fundraising in order to avoid any interruptions.

Without setting our future tasks aside, the majority of this newsletter is dedicated to creating a visual record that celebrates some of our mandate’s key moments, as part of the historical, collective resistance and affirmation of WMW alternatives that we helped to build and will continue to build until all women and peoples are free!

Celia, Miriam and Alessandra
Former members of the WMW’s International Secretariat

Click to download the PDF file of the newsletter in: English; French; Spanish; Portuguese

Last modified 2013-12-12 09:51 PM
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