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Honduras: International Mission Denounces Brutal Repression

The World March of Women is participating at the International Mission for Solidarity, Accompaniment and Observation to Honduras, in support to the resistance against the Coup d'Etat (led by coup leader Roberto Micheletti with Army support). Our delegates from Brazil and Mexico arrived on the last 30th of July. In that same day, the mission testified the brutal repression of thousands of people protesting pacifically against the Coup d'Etat and adhering to the public service sector’s call for a national strike (General Strike) on the 30th and 31st of July.

One member of the Honduran Confederation of High School Teachers (the COPEMH - Confederación de Profesores de Educación Media de Honduras in Spanish), Roger Abraham Vallejo Soriano, 38 years, was shot in the head and is struggling between life and death. “You, from international organisations, do something for us. Enough of all this violence”, begged one women teacher who was beaten during the demonstrations and sought shelter in the Centre for Women Studies in Tegucigalpa.

Click to read the press release sent by the mission on 30th of July.


For the last few years we have been in agreement that our movement should aim to act as a rapid response network, showing and acting out our solidarity with women and men around the world in emergency situations, sharing information between our NCBs, Participating Groups and allies, and mobilising for demonstrations and other actions (petitions, vigils in front of embassies in our countries, boycotting of transnational companies, etc) that aim to pressurise governments or companies that threaten the rights of those who organise themselves and who live in dignity.

In the last month we‘ve unfortunately had to put our aspiration for such a network into practice several times: to demand the release of Turkish activists, the majority of whom are trade-unionists, illegally arrested at the end of May (22 of whom remain in prison, including 4 World March of Women sisters, see article below); to protest against the extreme violence and repression perpetrated by Alan García’s government against Indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Amazon (see article below); and to support the Haitian people’s struggle for a fair minimum wage and against the violence perpetrated by the UN ‘peacekeeping’ forces in their country. And now, Honduras.

Highlight of this edition:
- First WMW Regional Meeting for Africa: a great success!
- 2009: The Year of WMW Regional Meetings
- Heading towards our 2010 International Action: Quebec, Brazil, and support materials

Click to read or download the July 2009 WMW Liaison Newsletter.

Last modified 2009-08-02 03:54 PM
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