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Fifteen thousand women in Québec City

By Brigitte Verdière

Fifteen thousand women (and men) gathered in Québec City on Saturday, May 7, to receive the Women's Global Charter for Humanity. Safiétou Diop, of Senegal and Marthe Kingué and Alice Lobe, of Cameroon, stood beside Diane Matte, coordinator of the International Secretariat, on the ferry that brought the Charter to Québec City from the south side of the river. Tonika Morgan, who accompanied the Charter during the relay through English Canada, and Mary Clarke, vice-president of the Canadian Labour Congress, were with them, as were a large women's delegation from the Chaudière Appalaches region.

The women then formed a human chain, passing the Charter hand to hand up the hill to the parliament buildings. There, Michèle Asselin, president of the Fédération des femmes du Québec, presented the five demands of Québec women, each of them linked to one of the Charter's values.

Last modified 2005-05-10 02:47 PM
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