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4. Lesbian Rights

GP/WG/GT lesb. Tha March created a Lesbian Rights Working Group. It will gather information concerning the situation of lesbians throughout the world and make it available to national coordinating bodies, identify and form links between the WMW and activists around the world AND organize a training seminar on the topic. Coordination: the Netherlands.
GP/WG/GT lesb. GP/WG/GT lesb. GP/WG/GT lesb.
Lesbian Rights Documents (March 2003)
These documents were distributed to the delegates at the Fourth International Meeting of the WMW that took place in New Delhi, India in March 2003. They were produced by the international working group on lesbian rights.
Information Document on Lesbian Rights (1999)
This information document was written by the Fédération des femmes du Québec’s Comité pour la reconnaissance des lesbiennes (Committee for the Recognition of Lesbians) in collaboration with the Réseau des lesbiennes du Québec/Quebec Lesbian Network and was distributed in 1999 to all women’s groups participating in the World March of Women.
Support to the Demands V-10 and V-11 regarding Sexual Orientation
on LGBT's human rights, Montréal, July 26-29, 2006
Last modified 2006-03-24 03:26 PM
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