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The 2010 Take Back the Night March

On September 30 will take place the “Take Back the Night 2010” march in Winnipeg, the Canada. The objective of the event, which is held annually, is to show the importance of the fight against the violence towards women and children. The event is also part of the mobilizations for the Third International Action of the WMW, which will take place in Bukavu, the DR of Congo, from 13 to 17 October. See the call below.
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Greetings from the Take Back the Night organizing committee!

We hope you and others from your organization will be able to join us for the 2010 Take Back the Night March taking place on Thursday, September 30th, 2010 at 7pm, Magnus Eliason Recreation Centre (431 Langside Street).

Take Back the Night is an annual international event to resist violence against women and children. It is a visible protest which takes place in the streets: a reclaiming of the place where we are supposed to be the most afraid. The theme of this year’s Winnipeg march is “Shine a Light”. We invite everyone to unite with us to shine a light on all the violence against women which happens under cover of darkness, behind closed doors, and which is ignored by the public and media. All women have the right to live free of fear and violence.

This year’s event will be held on Thursday September 30th at 7pm. We will gather at the Magnus Eliason Recreation Centre (MERC) at 430 Langside St., and march through the neighbourhood and down Portage Avenue. We will return to the MERC for refreshments and music.

Bus tickets and childcare are available. Everyone is welcome to attend. The MERC is a wheelchair accessible venue.
Take Back the Night 2010 is a World March of Women event for the Third International Action. For more information, visit  and

See you on September 30th!
Take Back the Night 2010 Organizing Committee

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2010-09-29 07:11 PM