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Impacts of the food crisis on women’s lives is the topic of debate in Quebec

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The various challenges faced by women in relation to the food crisis were presented by Miriam Nobre, Coordinator of the International Secretariat of the WMW, in a panel discussion on food sovereignty that inaugurated the “Quebecois international solidarity conference” in Quebec on 12th November. The panel was also composed of José Bové, French rural trade-union organiser, and André Beaudoin, general secretary of the Union of Agricultural Producers of Quebec, International Development section.  

Miriam expressed her concern regarding neoliberalism that favours trade and commerce, vehicles for destruction of feminist ideals with respect to women’s relationship with food (anorexia, bulimia, etc.); she denounced the responsibility of huge farms in the food crisis, as they discourage small-scale family agriculture. She also pointed out the responsibilities that weigh more heavily on women when governments cut funding for education and health in order to invest in arms, for example, illustrating the vulnerability of women who are affected more severely by the crisis.  

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Last modified 2008-11-27 07:22 PM